Ch. 5

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"Y-Your next move..?", stuttered the blond, not quite understanding Uzui. "Mhhm.". His deep voice was still right next to his sensitive ear, vibrations resonating through his heart and whole body. He tried to suppress a shiver but failed nonetheless. Uzui's lips formed into a pleased smile.
Zenitsu had a lot of difficulties on concentrating on his teacher and the question he had asked him. His face was burning hot, blush most likely already traveling down his chest, and his fingers kept shaking on his side. The table dug into his lower back and his stance was uncomfortable, yet he didn't dare to move. He couldn't survive being even closer to his crush.
A majority of thoughts went through Zenitsu's head and he wasn't able to comprehend most of them. Why would Uzui ask this? What was his intention? What should Zenitsu answer and how would the teacher react? Was he bullying him??? Was that his actual goal to begin with??
The world around him began to turn, faster and faster, and his breathing became uneven and faster. He felt so hot, he was sure he was going to die!

Everything stopped. Uzui gripped both of his shoulders tightly, grounding the young man back into reality. "Relax.". He did as he was told. The blond took in a deep breath, trying to calm down.
He needed room to breathe, literally. As he tried to speak up, his voice failed him. A little whimper escaped his lips and Zenitsu decided that he had to try non-verbally again. He hovered a shaky hand above Uzui's chest, sending an unclear signal to him.
The teacher didn't move, so he touched his chest instead, ignoring the indigo color on his finger tips that hadn't dried fully yet, and pushed lightly.
Fuchsia eyes widened in realization and Uzui took a step back, so that he was barely in Zenitsu's reach.
The blond nodded shortly in approval and looked up, after a few moments passed.

In a voice that was still a bit shaky and barely more than a whisper, he tried asking again: "Why do you want to know that, Uzui-sensei?".
The man gulped lightly at the honorific, being reminded of their positions once again. Zenitsu recalled them for him, and he started to prepare for a rejection.

"I'd rather answer that question after you answered mine.", Uzui answered truthfully. He couldn't believe that he was getting nervous now, not expecting to actually pressure the other like this. He took another step back and leaned his hips against his desk, suddenly feeling exhausted.
'What an unflamboyant turn of events.', he thought, gripping the edges of the wooden desk. He looked down and spotted small indigo stains on his light shirt. Uzui couldn't care less at the moment.

Zenitsu sighed, thus gaining the man's attention again. The blond was visibly more relaxed now, to Uzui's relief.
"Listen... T-Tanjiro and I are.. we are nothing more than best friends.". He averted his gaze and fiddled with his fingers.
'Ah.', Uzui started to understand, 'That's how it is.'.
"But you fell in love with him.". Heavy silence followed his statement. Great. So it was the second possibility. Uzui felt like an asshole now. He suppressed a groan. He wasn't sure what he was feeling right now. Annoyance, frustration...
"I did, yeah...", admitted Zenitsu hesitantly. He felt comfortable enough to look up again, watching the older man's expression he couldn't quite name yet.
"But", his voice started shaking again, "I fell in love. Past tense... I.. I am not... in love anymore.". Zenitsu's voice quieted down more and more with each word he spoke and Uzui perked up.
Eyes of fuchsia stared at honeyed ones, filled with a special glint.
"At least not with him.", whispered the blond. His cheeks were incredibly red and Uzui noticed once again, that red was an amazing color on him. He looked so flamboyant like that.

The man wasn't sure what to reply, fearing to mess up once more. Huh, it seemed like it was the first possibility after all. His heart fluttered in his broad chest and giddiness rose up in him; he contained it.
Zenitsu cleared his throat, collecting his remaining bits of courage before speaking: "N-Now it's your turn. What will your next move be, Uzui-san?". He gifted him a shy smile, tone turning daring. His eyes looked at him intensely, challenging.
The tension that hung between them shifted ever so slightly. Uzui could swear he heard the air crackle around them. The change in the honorific didn't fly over his head either.
His usual demeanor was back to it flamboyant self and his frown turned into a pleased smirk.

He'd play his final card. The rest was up to the younger man now.
"Why don't you come a bit closer so that I can show you, Crybaby.".

Zenitsu clicked his tongue, annoyed by the nickname he was given. He couldn't even think as his body moved on its own, directly before Uzui's own; repeating the motion of the older man from before.
The blond swallowed a lump in his throat. "Show me.", he whispered in a voice that should be forbidden around anyone else except Uzui.
He grinned down at him and Zenitsu watched his tongue dance over his teeth. He shouldn't be as excited as he was right then and there. He couldn't stop shaking in anticipation, especially not after Uzui grabbed his chin, just like he had done a few days ago, and pulled his face closer to his own.

Their lips were mere millimeters away from another. They could feel their respective breaths on them and Zenitsu shuddered, trying to compose his breathing.
His eyes fell closed by themselves and his long lashes kissed his plump cheeks. Uzui couldn't help himself but stare down at him.
He was glad. That rejection he feared wouldn't be due today.
Nonetheless, the man decided he was enough of an ass before.
"Is this okay?", he asked in a hushed tone, not wanting to break the sudden intimacy between them. He never got an answer from Zenitsu.

Instead, the blond leaned against him fully, indigo colored fingers pressing against his shirt again, smearing the paint around.
Slightly bitten, peachy lips met softer ones and Uzui responded instantly, pressing into the younger man.
The hand on Zenitsu's chin wandered over his cheek and brushed a strand of blond hair behind his ear, before staying there.

The blond retreated with a hesitant motion, just for Uzui to follow him hastily. Lips reconnected in a desperate way, the both of them humming in a satisfied manner.
Zenitsu felt a confident tongue on his bottom lip, teasing and expectant. He didn't know what to do and he let his instincts take over. This time, not his fight, flight or play dead instincts, no matter how fast his heart was beating.

He opened his mouth a bit as an invitation. Uzui gladly took it, deepening their kiss and exploring the others mouth. Zenitsu tried concentrating on the kiss, but the feel of solid muscles underneath a soft cotton shirt, just below his hands and the lustful noises they produced, made it hard for him.
Quite literally, if they didn't slow down soon.
The kiss went on for another moment, before Zenitsu pulled away reluctantly. He increased the pressure on Uzui's chest to put a bit of distance between them once more. The older man retreated with a satisfied sigh, licking his reddened lips in a sinful manner.
Zenitsu took in heavy breaths, trying to regain his composure to not pop a stiffy right there.

Uzui grabbed his chin once more, analyzing his flushed features and red lips, wet with their mixed saliva. He hummed in content: "Mhh, flamboyant.".

Zenitsu's heart jumped beneath his ribcage, faster than it ever did in his track and field classes.
At this rate he was sure...
"I am going to die...", and the world around him turned black.

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