Ch. 4

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Friday afternoon passed and the weekend followed shortly. The intimate scene between Zenitsu and Uzui lingered on both of their minds, not quite leaving their hearts alone. While the blond was kept awake by the teacher in his thoughts, his touch still lingering on his lips, Uzui slept rather well. His dreams were filled with loud screeches, blond choppy hair and crimson colored lips that pressed against his own.
The attraction they felt for one another was no longer a secret, rather an unspoken thing that no one dared to think about too much, fearing it might break something between them.

Once the new week started, Monday afternoon was filled with a heavy tension between them. The room didn't change much, cluttered and messy as usual, yet the atmosphere wasn't as comfortable as before.
Zenitsu repeatedly dropped art supplies, causing Uzui to scold him and even hit him in the head with a ruler. He couldn't keep his hands still for more than a few seconds and he was oddly quiet as well. Uzui would've felt bad, if it wasn't for the current sight before him.
One would call it a natural consequence, but Uzui believed that everything had to happen for a reason.
Zenitsu had, once again, dropped something. This time, it was a small container with still wet paint inside of it. It's contents splashed all over the floor and the blond instantly panicked. His teacher started to tease him and told him, that the color would stain if he wouldn't clean it up instantly.
All of this led to the current point.

Zenitsu was kneeling on the floor, sweater put aside on a table and sleeves of his blouse rolled over his elbows, furiously wiping the floor with a rag. He rubbed hardly at places where the indigo color had started setting and Uzui laughed at him.
Strangely enough, the older man was more than pleased with the situation. He sat at his desk and graded papers of his students. That was, until Zenitsu messed up. Now he was more than occupied with staring at the student not far away from him. Or, to be more precise, he was occupied with staring at his ass.
It was plump, Tengen noticed, and perfectly shaped like a peach. A juicy, nearly ripe one. He bet it would taste even sweeter.
Zenitsu's ass bounced and jiggled whenever he scrubbed even harder at the floor and the man couldn't help himself but smirk at the treat before his eyes. Today was a good day, he decided, thanking whatever godly being deserved it.
Uzui wouldn't want to admit it, but he got it bad for the blond. It was unbelievable, how a young man at the delicate age of 18 could have a body like Zenitsu. He had an incredible ass accompanied by juicy thighs and a narrow waist. His upper body wasn't bad either, just a tad bit muscular in the right places. He sighed. 'I can't believe I'm attracted to one of my students.', thought Uzui, forgetting that he wasn't a man of high morals to begin with. He couldn't care less, if the attraction was mutual; the blond was old enough to make independent decisions and to think for himself.
There was the only problem though. It was obvious to the man, that Zenitsu was attracted to him as well. Even a blind person would be able to notice it. The only barrier between them would be his constant state of panic. Not to mention that he seemed uncomfortable from time to time to boot.

The young man definitely knew that he was being stared at. Uzui could see the red tips of his ears and could only imagine the strong heartbeats in his chest. He was a bit stiffer than before, hesitant. Zenitsu didn't know how to act. And to tell you the truth, neither did Uzui.
The only thing clear to him was, that Zenitsu had to take the next initiative. He needed a clear green light or he wouldn't proceed his advances. At least not the physical ones. A little bit of teasing never hurt anyone, especially not the vocal kind. A grin spread around his lips. "Oi, brat.", he began, voice laced with mischief.
Zenitsu twitched, not expecting his teacher to speak up so suddenly. He contemplated looking up, but decided against it. Something in Uzui's voice told him he would regret it. He hummed in confirmation, prompting the other to continue. "What's going on between you and that Kamado boy?". Nothing could've prepared him for that question.

Before a silence could form between them, Zenitsu returned back to his usual pattern: "HAAAAH?!". He turned around faster than a human should be able to. His eyes widened in shock, meeting fuchsia ones with a glint inside of them that he couldn't quite interpret.
"You heard me.", shrugged Uzui, gaze trailing outside the window for a moment, before returning back to the blond. "You seem close.".

Zenitsu gulped, overwhelmed with the sudden topic of conversation. He desperately wanted to know Uzui's intention, needing a hint on what to say. "T-Tanjiro..?", he asked, like the smart guy he was. "Mh.". Uzui nodded shortly, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his broad chest. "How do you even know-?", he began, but the older man interrupted him. "I see you guys together all the time. I got curious, you know?". He lifted a thin eyebrow, eyes staring intensely into Zenitsu's. The blonde's face flushed abruptly and he averted his gaze. "Why should I even tell you in the first place...". He muttered in a hushed voice, fiddling with his fingers. Uzui noticed indigo stains on them.
'How unflamboyant.', was his only thought. He had to make a decision now. Maybe Zenitsu needed one last push to finally notice his signs. It was either that, or the fact that he did pick up on his signs and decided to ignore them. The possibility was high, that he had a thing going on with Kamado after all. They were close, he noticed it way before, but he wasn't sure how close. Were they dating? Fooling around? Was it unrequited love from Zenitsu's side?

Uzui stood up slowly, chair creaking over the floor. "Are you fucking?", he asked in a strange tone. Neither he, nor the blond could recognize the emotion in it.
Zenitsu's heart started beating even faster as the teacher took a few steps towards him. His fight, flight or play dead instinct kicked in again and he decided to take a few hesitant steps back. Uzui's aura was dominating and forceful. He really wanted an answer that Zenitsu wouldn't want to give. He looked down to the mostly cleaned floor, unsure on how to act.
Feet entered his vision and didn't stop until right before his own. "Zenitsu.", Uzui breathed right next to his ear, prompting an excited but nervous shiver to go down his spine. "What is that boy to you?".

Blond hair swayed around as he shook his head vehemently, cheeks practically glowing in red heat.
His teacher got even closer to him, inhaling softly before he whispered his name in a deep tone once more. "Zenitsu.".
"W-Why would y-you need to know anyways!!", he exclaimed loudly with a shaky voice.

Uzui decided, that the last needed push was due. He needed that answer to properly react, and he needed the blond to finally understand this.. this unspoken thing.
"Because, Zenitsu, my next move will depend on your answer.".
He could hear the grin out of the tone of Uzui's voice. He started shaking again, pressing his hips further into the table behind him.
Finally, he had enough courage to look up again. Fuchsia eyes leered at him and Zenitsu was sure...

His voice echoed loudly in his head.

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