Ch. 3

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It was Friday afternoon and the atmosphere in the room was calm and relaxing. The only things that could be heard were the running water from the tap and Uzui's deep voice, humming an improvised song. Zenitsu kept listening to him, tuning everything else out while washing the formerly used brushes in the sink placed in the art room.

Several days had passed since the 'deal' they made, (Zenitsu was still upset that he was made to do Uzui-sensei's dirty work, albeit accepting it a lot more since the teacher had to do some of it himself nonetheless), and the blond was getting used to the added extra work in his already busy schedule.
The alone time he spent with his current crush was more relaxing than he'd imagined. The older man teased him occasionally but, surprisingly, seemed to be holding back. Zenitsu wasn't sure if he appreciated it or kind of missed it. He decided not to think too much about it, or he'd get confused with his feelings all over again.

While lost in the emptiness that was his head, Zenitsu didn't notice the left sleeve of his uniform sweater gliding back down towards his wet hands and the running water.
Only after a large, warm hand was placed on his arm, he was torn from his thoughts. His head turned quickly and he stared at his teacher, shock evident on his face. Honeyed eyes jumped down towards his wrist, now engulfed in a tight grip by Uzui, and back up again. Zenitsu's face flushed once he met fuchsia colored eyes.
The man had stopped his humming shortly before, and the only thing that could be heard was the even splashes of water in the porcelain sink. Each of them had a loud heartbeat in their ears, not convinced of it being from the respective other. Zenitsu wanted to swallow but didn't do so, fearing he might actually choke on his saliva if he dared to.
In the distance a clock ticked a few times, before they snapped out of it. Predictably, Uzui was the first to speak up: "Pay attention or your sweater will get color and water on it.". He still held the younger man's wrist tightly. "Ah.", nodded Zenitsu, gaze slowly traveling back down to his hands. He was glad that Uzui had a tight grip on him, otherwise he might had noticed him shaking. Finally, the blond gulped down a breath of air, swallowing the collected saliva in his mouth and clearing his throat afterwards. "Thanks.". His voice was uncharacteristically quiet and Uzui scanned his features, noticing the still apparent blush on Zenitsu's soft features. This time it was the teachers turn to nod and hum in understanding, tearing his gaze unwillingly away.

As Zenitsu rolled his sleeve back up, Uzui stepped away from the sink. "Finish cleaning the brushes. After that we will store away the paints.". Zenitsu was for once unable to protest.

After the whole sink scenario ended and the brushes were cleaned again, they started storing them away. The atmosphere wasn't that calm anymore, a bit of tension lingering between them. It wasn't necessarily uncomfortable, but definitely nerve-wracking nonetheless. Uzui feared, that he had broken the young man just with his touch, due to Zenitsu being uncharacteristically quiet. He didn't whine and protest as much as usual and it disturbed the art teacher. Don't get him wrong, a bit of silence was a blessing to his sensitive ears, but it bothered him nonetheless. It's as if he had flipped a switch. 'Interesting.', he thought to himself, 'Good to remember for the future.'.

"Where do these go again, Uzui-sensei?", the blond asked his teacher, holding up a red tube of acrylycpaint. His teacher sighed. "I told you last time didn't I? Use that stupid head of yours for once.".
Zenitsu clicked his tongue in annoyance before putting his index finger on his bottom lip in a thinking motion. He made sure to hum loudly while in thought, just to be extra annoying. "I wonder where these belong to. If only I had a good teacher that actually does his job well-".
"You annoying brat!", Uzui barked at him, finally turning around to face his student. The sight before him made him hesitant, before he barked out a laugh. Zenitsu's expression went from smug to irritated, pouting his lips automatically.

"I never took crimson to be your color, Zenko-chan.". He couldn't help but laugh at the young man. "HAAAH?", was Zenitsu's loud and usual response. His thick brows furrowed in confusion and he put his arms to his hips, awaiting an explanation. The red paint was still in his right hand and he didn't notice the small leak from the tube. Without answering verbally, Uzui motioned to his own lips, still chuckling and staring at the blond.
Still confused, Zenitsu rubbed his clean fingers over his plush lips, smearing the color even further.
Uzui snorted, an ugly sound for such a handsome man, really, and pointed his finger at Zenitsu. "You're making it even worse, you idiot.". Zenitsu looked at him with an annoyed, red colored face, once again. Before he could counter attack, his teacher took a stride forward and leaned over the blond, examining his face. Crimson acrylycpaint was smeared on his lips and went over his plump cheek. Funnily enough, the color didn't seem out of place on Zenitsu's pale, yet peachy skin. It suited him in the most attractive way.
"Let me help.", his mouth spoke before Uzui could even think about it. His right hand moved on its own and his thumb brushed delicately over Zenitsu's bottom lip. The blonde held his breath unconsciously and fixed his eyes onto Uzui's thumb. The touch was hesitant, yet promising intention. As if waiting for assurance.
Zenitsu pulled himself together and locked eyes with his teacher, finally letting his breath out and slowly inhaling air again. They gazed into each other's eyes intensely and Zenitsu was sure, that he never felt such an intimacy before. Not even with Tanjiro.

Uzui seemingly got the answer he was waiting for and the pressure on the blond's lips increased. Automatically, he relaxed his jaw and let his lips be parted. His face flushed hot red again, but this time he wasn't so alone. It was barely noticeable, but the tips of Uzui's ears turned a little pink.
The man started tracing the still wet paint on Zenitsu's lips, smearing it in the process.
Their hearts beat like crazy and both of them hoped, the other wouldn't be able to hear it. Coincidentally, they both had impressive hearing, and their hope was for nought. It was incredible, how synchronized their hearts beat, drumming in the same rhythm in their chests.

Uzui's deep voice was barely more than a whisper: "You look so incredibly...", 'Flamboyant.', he thought, but didn't dare to say, "..stupid.". For Zenitsu, the current spell was broken. "HAAAH?!", he screeched in annoyance until Uzui squished his lips together painfully, successfully shutting him up again. The blond whined loudly and Uzui returned to swiping his bottom lip, entranced by the crimson color on plush lips. He tried really hard not to think indecent thoughts about his student. The scene that happened next, was unpredictable and shocking to both of them.
Zenitsu really didn't know why he did it, and he regretted being born instantly. Without thinking about the possibile consequences of his actions, he locked eyes with Uzui again. Not even a second later, his tongue slowly slipped out and he licked the bottom of Uzui's thumb.

They both stared at each other dumbfounded, when realization hit. 'WHAT DID I JUST DO?!', Zenitsu screeched inside himself, 'I AM SO DEAD! DEAD!'.
To everyone's surprise, Uzui remained calm. Unbeknownst to the blond, that he was only moments away from popping a boner because of the sinful action. He had to react, and fast. The man snapped out of it. "That paint is toxic, you know?", Uzui's voice was rough, yet monotone, and didn't let any emotions show.

Zenitsu shrieked, prompting Uzui to pull his hand back.

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