chapter one

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Shawn and his four year old, Zoey, get to the police department. He walks in, holding the little girl's hand, and walks to the front desk.

"Hello, officer." He greets cop, Allen, behind the desk who is on the phone. "Hi. I'm Shawn Spencer." Allen points to a bench and Shawn looks to see a large man sitting there in handcuffs that are chained to the bench.

"Oh... oh no, no. No, that's not for me. Uh, I'm here for a commendation. I called in a... tip." Shawn says. Allen points at the bench. "Here's the thing, these are new pants." She points at the bench again. "Clearly you feel very strongly about this. Right."

Shawn walks over to the bench with Zoey. He stands by it for a few moments before sitting down, pulling Zoey onto his lap.

Shawn looks at the man next to him and his daughter, the man turning to look at them and Shawn sees the "Bloodthirsty" tattoo on his forehead, along with a tear tattoo under his left eye.

"Get out of here. You know, I have the same tattoo. They spelled "bloodythirsty" wrong on mine. Can you believe it?" Shawn laughs. The man lunges at Shawn which causes Zoey to jump. The handcuffs keep him from being able to reach them.

"Scaring a kid, huh? Little low. And I cannot believe you didn't test that out first." Shawn says. He sees pieces of taillight in the folds of the man's sleeve.

"What'd you do, bust up your ex-wife's car?" Shawn asks.

"Her new boyfriend's." The man corrects.

"That'll teach her." Shawn says.

"They got no witnesses."

"Sweet. Might want to brush the shards of taillight off your sleeve. Just a tip."

"Gee, thanks, guy."


Shawn and Zoey watch as he gets the shards out of his sleeve, only to watch them land in his boot. Shawn goes to tell him, but decides against it.

"Mister, it--" Shawn covers his daughter's mouth.

"No, hun. No." Shawn mutters in her ear. He uncovers her mouth and she immediately starts playing with his hand.


Shawn is at the front desk with Zoey sitting on it while he talks to the cop who pointed them to the bench earlier. He was taken back for questioning, Zoey being forced to stay behind and watched over by a cop.

Zoey looks behind her dad, seeing an officer escort the man that was on the bench out. She smiles and waves at him as they pass.

"I'm getting... I am getting... the letter L." Shawn says.

"Lulu, her dog. Is there anything else she said?" Allen asks.

"Uh, there's suddenly a very, very negative presence here. It's blocking me." Shawn says. "Question. Do I pay taxes on reward money?"

"I'll find out. Please feel free to call anytime." Allen says.

"You know I will. Magic touch." Shawn holds his pointer finger through the hole in the plexiglass. Allen excitedly touches her fingertip to his.

Shawn picks Zoey up, the young girl waving and smiling to Allen who waves and smiles back as Shawn walks out.

Shawn is down the steps when a voice stops him.

"Not so fast, Mr. Spencer." He turns to find a pregnant woman walking down the stairs. "Karen Vick, interim police chief."

"I know." Shawn says.

"Heard about what you did in there." Vick says.

"Oh, you're welcome." Shawn says.

"That wasn't the phrase I was going to use. I was going to say improbable. Possible, yet unlikely." Vick says.

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