chapter four

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"Listen, Dr. Sloane, if I could get you this product this afternoon, would it be possible to sit down with you to discuss the, uh..." Gus trails off as he watches the spelling bee on the TV. Gus and Zoey are in a restaurant and eating, Shawn having not picked her up last night. 

"The unbelievable results we've been... having with... I'm sorry. Can I call you back?" Gus asks. "Thanks." He hangs his phone up. Zoey watches him write something on the paper before his phone rings and he answers it, "Burton Guster. Shawn?"

"Daddy!" Zoey perks up at her dad's name.

"You're in the hospital? What happened?" Gus asks, motioning for the check.


The two get to the hospital and a nurse gives them Shawn's room.

"Daddy!" She rushes to him.

"Oh, hey, baby." Shawn smiles. He winces a little at the pain in his wrist when he picks her up, holding her with his good arm. "You have a good sleepover?"

"Uh-huh. Uncle Gus let me stay up five minutes later." Zoey says.

"Oh, look at that. Uncle Gus being a rebel." Shawn remarks making Gus roll his eyes.

~ ~ ~

"Did you call your dad?" Gus asks as they walk through the hospital, Shawn holding Zoey.

"I'm fine. They're releasing me." Shawn says, taking the wrap off his wrist.

"Did you call him?" Gus asks again.

"Gus, I am not gonna talk to my dad." Shawn says.

"He'd want to know you're okay." Gus says.

"All he cares about are results, just like those possessed spelling bee parents." Shawn says. "You know what's wrong with this? All of this."

"Shawn, you're delirious. You're upset. You lost control of your bike last night." Gus says. Shawn stops limping which makes Gus turn to him.

"Gus, I didn't lose control of anything. Someone tried to kill me, or send a very serious message." Shawn states before walking off.

~ ~ ~

"Brendan appreciates you checking on him." Brendan's mom says.

"Well, we were in the neighborhood and, uh, Gus here is a huge fan." Shawn says. "He almost won the spelling bee himself."

"I took some bad advice." Gus says.

"Well, Brendan's going home tomorrow. He's fine. He's more upset about missing the spelling bee." Mrs. Vu says.

"Well, maybe they'll decide to redo the whole thing." Shawn says.

"Why would they do that?" Brendan asks.

~ ~ ~

They leave the hospital room, Shawn wincing in pain because of his knee.

"Did you see the inhaler?" Shawn asks, still limping and holding Zoey.

"Same one as that little Czech kid." Gus says.

"Get me a seating chart." Shawn says. "I'll bet you I know who Brendan was sitting next to on day one."

"Already checked it out." Gus says.

"Nice." Shawn says.

"Shawn. Something's going on with that Czech kid." Gus states.

"Talk to me." Shawn says, turning to him.

"The doctor on his inhaler, Dr. Zavin in Ventura." Gus says.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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