chapter three

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Shawn holds Zoey's hand as he grabs a paper.

"Why did I not get to stay inside?" Zoey huffs, having been taken away from her delicious pancakes to get a newspaper with her dad.

"Safety first, Zozo." Shawn says. He heads back inside, opening the door and letting Zoey walk in first. He looks up, finding a young blonde woman in the seat he was previously sitting in.

"Uh, excuse me. You're... you're in my seat." Shawn tells the blonde woman.

"Am I?" She questions.

"Actually, yes, you are." Shawn nods.

"Are you one of those weirdo compulsives who come to the same restaurant, and sit in the same chair, and eat the same food every day?" The woman asks.

Zoey climbs up into her former seat, getting a little help from Shawn after she almost fell off.

"Uh, no, no, no." Shawn denies. "I was sitting right there three minutes ago, and then I went outside to get myself a paper. I ordered a juice." Shawn grabs his cup of orange juice. "I ordered the little one here breakfast." He motions to the mostly uneaten pancake on a plate and there's a cup of orange juice. "And look-- I made a crawling snake with the straw wrapper. You can finish it if you think you're up to the job."

"I'm sorry. You want me to move?" The woman asks.

"Not anymore." Shawn says before sitting on the other side of Zoey.

"Daddy's single." Zoey states, stuffing a piece of pancake in her mouth.

The woman looks at Shawn who awkwardly laughs.

"She-- kids say the stupidest things." Shawn chuckles.

"But you always tell me--" Zoey starts.

"Eat your breakfast, honey." Shawn moves her head down so she's focused on her food. "So, what's up?" He asks the woman.

"I don't have time to talk." She tells him.

"But you haven't heard what I'm going to say." Shawn says.

"See, now we've already talked more than I wanted to." The woman says.

"Well, I did give you my seat, you know. I think that gets me one question." Shawn says.

"Listen, diner guy--"


"Shawn. Flattered, really. Very often, I am happy to meet new people, but today, right here, right now, I can't talk."

"I understand. I do. What if I do the talking for both of us?"

"Have at it. Do you mind if I read the paper and stare aimlessly out the window while you two talk?"

"No. Can I get a name to work with?"


"Well, it's very nice to meet you Juliet." Shawn says. "It's nice to meet you, too, Shawn." He replies to himself in a higher pitched voice. Zoey starts giggling at his higher sounding voice. "And I'm sorry about your seat, so lunch is on me. So, what do you do for a living?"

"I do a little bit of everything." Shawn answers in his normal voice before going back to the higher pitched one, "Oh, well, that sounds interesting. And maybe a little bit dangerous. Ooh, I like your jacket. I like it, I like it--"

"Okay, can I stop you there?" Juliet asks. "First off, in, uh, your portrayal of me, I sound like I'm in the eighth grade."

"Well, in my portrayal of you, you only have an eighth grade education." Shawn states.

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