I'm Still Alive....!

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Nightmare: Hey guys, what-


Dust: *runs past after Horror*

Error: *is trying to murder them*

Nightmare: ..... Ya know what? I don't wanna know.



Dream: ....

Lust: What happened, Dream?

Dream: ....... Nightmare just walked up to me and said, "Is this a midlife crisis?"

Dream: He was wearing a dress.

Dream: And heels.

Lust: ..... Er, h-how old are you a-and Nightmare...?

Dream: Well, considering I was in that stone statue for a century, I'd say.... a hundred and three?

Lust: Oh, thank god. He won't die til he's two hundred and six.




Lust: H-he won't die til he's... two hundred and six..... right?



Dust: *petting the cats*

Nightmare: You know, the cats like it when you scratch behind their ears.

Dust: I know how to pet cats, Mom.

Nightmare: *TRIGGERED*



Swad: *flirts with Nightmare*

Ink: Ya wanna fUCKING DIE???!!!



Nightmare: My life has gone down a rabbit hole. In that rabbit hole, Dust and Lust are having a tea party, Dream is panicking about being late about our birthday, Swad is trying to burn the castle down to kill Ink, Hate is grinning madly at the whole thing, and me? I'm sitting here, while everyone is pretending I don't exist, even though, I'm the fUCKING KING OF THIS CASTLE!!! OFF WITH YOUR FUCKING EMPTY HEADS!!!



Swad: Are you a marathon runner?

Ink: Don't you dare finish that-

Swad: Cuz you've been running through my head all day~

Nightmare: *disgusted but also blushing, for some reason*



Error and Dream: *having a normal conversation*

Any shipper within a ten mile radius: It's free real estate.



Nightmare: *wants a wholesome, cutesy, romantic type of relationship*

Ink: Swiggity swooty, I'm coming for that booty-



Author's note becuz why not:

I know I said nothing will be updated, but things have settled down enough that I can finally focus on some of my stories. This isn't a story, but it is fun to do. Mostly because it is referencing an upcoming book I'm gonna make that I have nothing out for yet cuz I've been too busy, butcha know, I'm tryin', people. So, enjoy this stuff I came up with for laughs. If anyone gets the rabbit hole one, I will reward you with a cookie.

Sincerely, Dory

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