Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


I guess today is the big day.  The turning point in my life.  I’m starting my first day at my new school.  Derek had arranged everything for me since I started living with him.

It turns out that he’s a very distantly related uncle of mine.  His brother had been married to Aunt Bess before his death.  So, I guess we aren’t really related anymore, but he still considers me family and is offering me a place to crash until Aunt Bess is found. 

“It’s not safe for you back at your old house,” Derek told me as soon as I was released from the hospital.

I had to agree with him.  If people had been able to get into my houses and hurt my family, then they definitely weren’t safe enough for me to live in them by myself. 

When we got to his house, I was completely blown away.  His security system was so hi-tech that it would be impossible for anyone to get into it without him knowing about it.

He had punched in the security code and led me into my new home.  The foyer was the first thing I saw and it was breathtaking.  There were palm trees and ferns sitting around the door.  It gave the room an organic feel; yet the plants that had been used gave the room a sultry feel.  It was absolutely awe-inspiring.

“Wow,” I giggled.  I can’t believe that I giggled.  I never giggle, but I did.  This house was completely different from the organized, methodical ones that I grew up in. Derek’s house was tropical and exotic, and I absolutely loved it.

His face seemed to light up when he saw that I liked the decorating of the entranceway.  He glowed as he pointed out the renovations that he had just completed.  After giving me a tour of the house, he led me to my bedroom.  It was even better than the foyer.  I couldn’t believe it when I saw it.  My feet just stopped moving completely and I stared.  The whole ten yards; mouth wide open, tongue hanging out, and drool forming on my lower lip. 

Yup, I most definitely loved it.  I ran up to Derek and hugged him.  “You are the best un-uncle ever,” I shrieked. 

He cringed away a little bit, but I knew that he secretly loved my enthusiasm. 

He looked kind of sheepish when he admitted that it had used to be his gym.  When he was finished revealing his secret, he grinned in a loveable way.  If he wasn’t twice my age, I would have gone after him; but the fact that he was almost 30, was an indicator that me, and my 17 years, were way too young for him.

“Oh well,” I had thought, “tomorrow you’re starting school and you’ll meet a lot of new guys.”

And that’s why I’ve been sitting on my bed dreading the moment when Derek would come up to get me.  Basically, I was in a pickle.  I couldn’t decide what to wear! 

Having to start late in the semester was bad enough, but as soon as I walked in the building I would be labelled.  What I wore would help them categorize me.  If I wore my black leather motorcycle jacket I would be labelled a Rebel or a Hoodlum.  If I wear too much black then I’ll be labelled Goth or Cutter; and if I wear too much pink then I’ll be labelled as a Prep or a Prep Wannabe. 

Also, I can’t wear my clothes from Hawaii or India then I’ll be grouped in with the Drama Kids. If I wear too casual of clothes I could end up being grouped with the underachievers.  It’s so hard to decide what to wear on your first day at any school.

I jumped off my bed and ran towards my closet.  I had to have the perfect outfit somewhere.  It had to be in there because I hadn’t gotten around to putting any clothes in my dresser-yet.  I threw a bunch of shirts over my head, some pants got chucked onto my bed, and other clothes were ripped off of hangers. 

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