Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


                I hate what I do for a living, but it’s the only thing that I know how to do.  I can’t cook and I’m not very good at reading.  The only thing that I’m good at is being an assassin. 

I’m a terrible thug.  I always bungle the job, like I just did.  If I had been smart I would have just given her the message my boss wanted me to give her. 

Instead I had to touch her.  I’m such an idiot!  One touch wasn’t enough, and now I crave more.  Her skin was so soft, so supple beneath my fingers.  When she jerked out in pain I wanted to kick myself.  I hadn’t given her the broken leg my boss had wanted, but I had hurt her just as badly emotionally. 

I threw the gun across her room.  Damn.

The silencer muffled it, but because I had forgotten to turn the safety back on, a shot had been fired.  It ripped through Daniela’s body and brought a moan to her lips.  Not only was her head bleeding, but the wound in her leg had started gushing too. 

I took off my gloves and inspected her leg to make sure that it hadn’t hit a major artery.  It hadn’t but the bullet was caught in her bone.

Crap.  This is not going to go over well with the boss.  Not only did I bungle this job, but now it will also be connected to the other killings I’ve done.  I’ll have to dispose of my gun now. 

I looked at Danny’s body and swore.  I grabbed the cloth out of my pocket and wiped the gun clean before placing it on the floor beside her body.  There would be no fingerprints for them to trace it back to me, and the case would look like a robbery gone bad.  There would be no way for them to pin this on me.

I dug out my cell and hit my speed dial for the boss.  He answered on the first ring, “is it done yet?”

I felt like telling him that it was, but I changed my mind.  There was no reason to make him angrier than he already was.  “There were some complications,” I warned.  “She was stronger than you told me she was.”

“How strong can a seventeen year old girl be?” he snarled.

“Anyhow, I was unable to break her leg while she was conscious, so I put a bullet in her leg.  I was going to put it in an artery, but the gun jerked when I heard a door slam closed.  The bullet got lodged in her bone and I didn’t have time to retrieve it, so I wiped the gun and made it look like a bungled burglary.”

I fudged a little bit in my story, but what the boss didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.  There was no way that he would find out the truth from me, and since no one else had been there, I was safe.

“Fine,” he muttered.  “Get your but over here after you clean yourself up.”

I told him that I would be at the warehouse in an hour and then hung up.  I retrieved the ladder and put it in the neighbour’s garage before digging the boot out of my bag and leaving footprints heading in the other direction.  I had a size seven women’s pump that I was using to make the marks, because I had heard about her run in with Angela Buster. 

I had even made a special trip to Mrs. Buster’s house to get her shoe.  I tossed the shoes over the fence into the neighbour’s garden and then got on my bike. 

I flipped open my phone and made one more call before zooming out of there and back to my house.

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