Anna sat in front of her computer, the grainy quality making her look even cuter, she didn't really like these type of things, but she just didn't have anything to do.
Anna pushed her glasses up, and waited to be matched with someone to chat with.
She was matched with few boys, got flashed a couple times....
She was soon matched with a boy names Tommy, "hey, your hot." Tommy said in a "sexy" tone, Anna smiled "thank you." She said, she couldn't help to notice a girl next to him, she was so hot, oh my fucking god.
"is that you girlfriend?" Anna asked, Tommy laughed so did the girl "no, my sister, her name Eva." He said "oh, she's hot." She responded, Eva smirked while Tommy acted defended.
Tommy started to say something but Eva cut him off, "can I get your number?" She asked, Anna smiled, putting her number in the chat.
"I hate you." Tommy laughed, Eva chuckled.