you and me

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Prom was something I've looked forward to for many years now. The fancy dresses, the dances, and the love. I never thought I would ever be going with a girl though. But now look at me. We were all dancing, laughing. Santana was holding my waist to her, I had my arms wrapped around her shoulders. 

"I'm really glad you said yes to coming with me." She smiled and brushed some hair out of my face. She was looking at me like there wasn't a room full of people here right now. She was making me feel like the world wasn't watching us dance. She spun me around and I just felt like the whole world was going to light up in fireworks. 

"Charlotte! Get up here!" I felt Kurt pull my hand and up to the stage. I tried to pull way by Kurt wouldn't let me. "We're singing a sang. No you don't have a choice." He kissed my cheek and handed me a microphone. 

Looking back at yesterday
I thought I gave it everything
But still there's so much road ahead of me, Kurt started singing. I smiled, this was a song we've jammed to since we were in middle school. All the lights were on us, everyone had started slow dancing to the song. I saw Santana standing by the punch bowl, Blaine was over by the stairs waiting for Kurt. Blaine had been nervous about all the people so Kurt said he could hide by him all night. Kurt reached his hand out so Blaine could take it. He pulled Blaine to the stage. 

When I looked into your eyes
I guess I didn't recognize
Who we are and all that we can be, I started singing. I saw everyone is the room look up at me and smiling. I saw Santana blow a kiss which I caught and put on my heart. Kurt wrapped an arm around my waist and swayed. Blaine was leaning into Kurt. I saw Blaine take the microphone from a man who brought him one.

Sometimes it's hard to find yourself
But it's worth it in the end
'Cause in your heart is where it all begins, Blaine and I started singing together. I grabbed his hand and smiled at him. Blaine and I kept singing, this is definitely going down as the best school dance yet. I had a date that made me realize who I am and now my family is here. 

We gotta be bold
We gotta be brave
We gotta be free
We gotta get loud
Making that change
You gotta believe (whoa), all three of us started singing at the top of our lungs. Lights started shining in different colors, everyone started dancing. I laughed as we sang because I couldn't imagine anything to be this amazing.

We'll look deep inside
And we'll rise up and shine
We can be bold
We can be brave
Let everyone see, Blaine started singing by himself, I saw Kurt start to blush. He's really in love. I've never seen him as happy as he is with Blaine. He laughs harder, smiles more, jokes a lot. Blaine saved him. Blaine saved my best friend from himself. And I don't think he even realized he was doing it. 

It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me, I felt someone grab my arm and whip me around. Santana stood on the other side of me on the stage. Before I had a second to think I felt her lips on mine. I heard hoots and cheers. I brought my hands to her hips, her hands were in my hair. When I pulled back to breath, I could see her dark cheeks light up bright red. 

I smiled and looked over at Kurt, he looked happy but also shocked. We all went down to the dance floor, we danced for a little while before deciding to go get some food from the little table with things on it. 

"OH baby cupcakes!!" Kurt jumped over to the table and grabbed some 'baby cupcakes'. Blaine's face light up, he jumped up and down like a kid on Christmas morning. "Are you okay, B?" Kurt asked as he stuffed his face with cupcakes. 

"CRONUTS!!!" Blaine yelled and grabbed one. He shoved it into his mouth without even chewing. My stomach dropped and flipped when I watched him do that. I leaned back and tried to take some breaths.

"Okay, Prom queen is..... Kurt Hummel!" It was like the air froze. I looked over at Kurt to see the look of heartbreak on his face. Blaine grabbed Kurt but was to late. Kurt took off running out of the room. 


I ran out of the room following Kurt. I could hear his sobs even from back here. 

"Kurt! Kurt please stop! Just stop!" I yelled as I ran after him. I watched as he stopped running and fell to his knees. I quickly ran over to him, wrapped my arms around his waist. 

"I'm so humiliated!" He sobbed loudly. I ran my hand over his back, I felt him shaking under my hand. His face was red, his body shaking. I just wanted to go in there and rip the heads off those stupid, ignorant people that made him feel this small. 

"It's just some stupid joke." I pulled him so we could lean against the lockers. He put his head in his hands and sobbed more. I felt so helpless. I know it's just stupid homophobic men who didn't know how it affects these people. 

"It's not a joke, it's not! It's people who are to afraid to say these things out loud so they used a secret ballet!" He stood up and started pacing. I sat crisscross trying to give him a second of space. If the floor was moldable it would have been dented. 

"Do you wanna go? We can go home. You don't have to go back in." I stood up and took his hand. But I didn't see the small, helpless Kurt I saw a few minutes ago. I saw the stubborn, hot-headed Kurt I fell in love with. 

"No. Blaine, they can't touch us. If their so scared to do anything that they have to use a secret ballet to mess with us then what are they going to do. They can't touch us, Blaine." He took both of my hands and looked into my eyes. "So, I'm going back in there and getting coronated. Are you coming or not." He smiled his crooked smile.

"I would love to see my King get his crown." I kissed his forehead and walked back inside. We walked back in hand and hand. I saw Charlotte standing on the stage looking confused, but happy. "What is Charlotte doing up there?" I whipered to Santana. She was smiling and clapping. 

"She won prom Queen." I crooked my head and looked at her oddly. "They said 'we have to come of age with the new time.'  So basically, they picked two girls because they had to." She was still so happy. Kurt had made his way to the stage and hugged Charlotte. I saw her whispered something in his ear, he looked up at her and smiled. 

This may not have been how anyone of us thought this would go but it's still been a pretty amazing night. Yeah, I love my life.

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