Chapter 2

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"Chester!" I called out through the house looking around for him.

"Whats up?" he said walking down the stairs.

"I was looking everywhere for you" I said sighing and walking over to the couch.

Chester came over and sat on the complete other side of the couch. We just sat in silence while staring at the Christmas tree sparkling. I glanced over at Chester and blushed as I saw the lights gleam in his eyes.


I was at the counter thinking of what I should do—then I had an idea.

"Chester!" I yelled picking my head up from the counter scanning around the room looking for him.

"Yea?" I heard his voice said as he walked from the living room into the kitchen.

"Wanna throw a party tonight?" I spoke rubbing my eyes from the gleaming light that is shining through the bright ass windows.

"Uhm, yea sure!" the blonde hair boy said smiling putting his glasses on top his head.

We started to set up and get ready. I texted some of my friends and Chester did the same. By 6pm there was cars overflowing in the street.

There was music blasting throughout the house and I you could barely hear anyone. I decided to look around for Chester to make sure he was ok.

I started pushing people out the way until I saw Chester leaning on the counter looking around.

"Hey dude whats up!" I said shifting my way over to him.

"Nothing much" he said slightly having to yell since, ya know.

I walked over to and stood next to him looking over at him as the bright lights brightened his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked Chester definitely being able to tell something was wrong.

"Why don't you drink a bit, get it off your mind?" I said most likely blushing because of him.

"Yea I guess I'll have a few..." he said standing up fully.

I then grabbed each of us a drink.


I've had about 4 drinks and I'm drunk as fuckkk. Chester stopped about 1 since he isn't much of a drinker.

"Parker! Be careful you'll hurt yourself!" Chester said as I spinning a butter kn!fe on the counter.

"Ohhh come onnnn no I wonttt~" I said chuckling continuing to spin it.

Chester then grabbed it and threw it into the drawer clearly pissed off with me.

"Ohhhh come on~" I said leaning close to Chester—his hands were now supporting him as I leaned closer to his face putting my hands on the counter.

"Parker w-what the h-hell are you do-ing..." he said as I leaned closer.

"Y'know I love you rightttt" I said clearly out of it.

Chester just looked at me with huge eyes, not speaking clearly scared. I slowly moved my mouth close to his and smiled.

I then kissed him, of course if I was sober I wouldn't be doing this. He immediately kissed me back which I found extremely surprising. His hands moved down to my waist but mine stayed on the counter.

"Yo! Fucking finally!" I heard a familiar voice said from the crowd.

Chester let go and looked at the voice—it was Joe.

"W-What..." Chester said still holding onto me slightly shaking.

"So y'all are dating now?!" Joe said excitedly smiling brightly.

"O-Oh uh no Parker's j-just drunk," he said shaking "he kissed me first so of course I-I just went along with it."

"I know damn well your in love with him" Joe joked looking over at us smiling.

"Yeaaaa you know youuuu areeee~" I said leaning back closer to Chester.

Joe chuckled walking over to us, "all right parker give him a break, get any closer you'll break his back"

It seemed to take Chester a while to figure it out but me drunk hell immediately knew. If we're being honest, it's fun being taller than Chester AND drunk at the same time.

I decided to back away but still quite close to Chester.

The party went on until about 2am when everyone started leaving, of course a few people stayed since they couldn't find a ride but most people left.

Chester was then helping me up to my room—and of course me flirting with him 24/7 didn't help.

As he edged closer to the door we heard something we never would want to...

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫) Where stories live. Discover now