Assault on the Teth Monastery

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Tatooine No POV

Jabba was watching one of his Twi-Lek slave dancers do her routine dance as a pirate alien whispered something on Jabba's Protocol Droid.

Droid: Jabba, the bounty hunters you sent out to find your son have returned.

Jabba:<speaks Huttese>

Two of Jabba's goons brought a stretcher with the bounty hunters heads that scared the Twi-Lek slaves. This angered Jabba a lot.

Jabba:<speaks Huttese>

Droid: contact the Supreme Chancellor immediately.

Coruscant No POV

Droid:<hologram> the all-powerful Jabba demands to know why the Jedi are not looking for his son.

Palpatine: Mighty Jabba, rest assured, the Jedi are on their way.

Jabba:<hologram and speaks Huttese>

Droid:<hologram> they better be if you want the Republic to have safe passage through Jabba's territory.

Teth Orbit No POV

A single Acclamator Class Assault Ship came out of hyperspace over Teth as the Assault shuttle that was on the planet boarded and landed on the hangar. The two Clone scouts got out of the ship and greeted by Anakin.

Anakin; Lieutenant, did the kidnappers see you?

Lieutenant: no, sir. We're the best scouts in the regiment.

Anakin: what about the Bounty Hunters? Are they still down there?

Lieutenant: I don't think so. We haven't seen them in a while.

Anakin: well, what are we up against?

Lieutenant:<shows a hologram of the monastery> looks like at least two droid battalions protecting a monastery. It's heavily fortified, sir, you won't be able to land there.

Anakin: good work. Get some rest.<walks away with R2>

Anakin walked over to where a group of Clones were around Ahsoka talking about how they took down the Shield Generator on Christophsis.

Clones: that sounds like a lot, even for a Jedi. I heard you were surrounded by droids. How did you ever get the shield down?

Ahsoka: okay, so there's a wall behind him with a hole in the middle, so I pull the wall down on top of the droids, destroying them and saving the General.


Rex: is that true, sir?

Anakin; well, most of it. All right, men, we still got a job to do.

Rex: yes, sir. You heard the General, move it!

They all dispersed as Ahsoka walked with Anakin.

Anakin: would this be a good time to teach you that a Jedi is humble, my Young Padawan?

Ahsoka: sorry, just trying to keep the boys inspired, is all.


Obi-Wan and Zane arrived at Tatooine in their hyperspace rings.


Kenobi; don't worry, I'm sure Jabba's in a good mood. Zane, let me do the talking with Jabba.

Zane: yes, master.

They both got out of the hyperspace rings and flew directly to Jabba's palace and landed not too far away from the main entrance. The main entrance opened as Jabba's droid and three of his goons walked out. Zane and Kenobi got out of their ships and wore Jedi cloaks.

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