Chapter 3

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We lay there as the sun slowly set over us, its last orange rays lighting up the garden in a soft glow.

"I should probably be going home."

Evan turned his head to look at me his eyes sad. "Ten more minutes?"

I smiled. "Which, coincidentally, is what you said last time. That was half an hour ago."

He sighed. "Five more minutes?"

"It takes five minutes to walk to my house, so no."

"Fine." He sat up, pulling me up with him.

He grabbed my hand, raising it to his lips. We walked back through the house, Evan careful to lock the back door after us. We put our shoes back on, then left, Evan once again locking the door behind us.

We wandered down the pavement, keeping our hands firmly linked together. The streetlamps lit our way, as we walked in a comfortable silence.

"I've been thinking," Evan said suddenly.


"My dreams of you started the night after I visited the school for the first time. What if its connected?"

"Maybe you only get the dreams once you've seen the person?" I reasoned.

"Maybe," he said, but he sounded unconvinced.

We arrived at my house later than I anticipated,mainly because Evan had been walking really slowly. He leaned in and met my lips in a sweet kiss, but I pulled back quite quickly.

"My parents might be watching," I hissed.

"So?" he smirked.

He captured my lips in another kiss and the worrisome side of me melted away. My eyes closed immediately and I let myself get carried away on the tide that had brought me to Evan. He smiled into the kiss but he pulled away when the front door opened.

"Katherine, is that you?"

My mum's voice echoed around the otherwise quiet street.

"Yeah, it's me," I replied, my voice slightly breathless.

She approached us, smiling slightly. "Care to introduce us?" she said nicely.

Too nicely.

I gulped. "Uh, Mum, this is Evan. He's the guy from my dreams."

Evan smiled and nodded. "Pleasure to meet you."

Mum grinned. "Well, Katherine's dinner is on the table, and I'm sure yours is too, Evan."

Evan nodded again and kissed me on the cheek. "Goodnight, amore mio."

Mum pulled me away before whispering, "You are in big trouble, young lady."

I sighed. I knew she was being too nice. I looked back one more time to see that Evan was still standing there, hands deep in his pockets.


Evan's POV

I stood there for a while, watching Katherine's retreating figure. My lips still tingled from our last kiss. I knew, without doubt, that I loved her. I goddamn loved her. I loved her voice, her laugh, the way she walked. She was so beautiful. I turned and started walking away, but instead of feeling sad that I was walking away from her, I felt content, like a lion settling in to sleep.

What about Sophie? my inner conscience said.


Sophie. The girl I left behind.

We had never broke it off, even when I had mentioned it, and I knew that she would come and visit me one day, even though she was in Cornwall and I was right at the top of Scotland.

She wouldn't care that it was two days travelling, that I might not want to see her. I sighed, knowing that I should have tried harder to break up with her. I knew that any kisses that I had shared with her could never blow me away as much as Katherine's did. I should have tried to get my family to move earlier so I had more time to settle in before the Christmas holidays. I could have had more time with Katherine, more time to end it with Sophie.

I shivered as an unexpected wind brushed my bare arms, and I quickened my pace to get back to my home.


"Eat, then wait in the living room."

I made my own dinner then slouched through into the dining room, very much aware of the argument that was to come. I finished quickly then sat on a sofa gingerly, as if it might explode.

Mum stormed in, standing in front of me with her arms crossed. "I don't want you to see him outside of school ever again."

"What?!" I shouted.

"I don't want you to be with him. He's a McCain. That family is nothing but trouble."

"Yeah, that family, not him!"

"I've heard rumours about his parents," she continued, pretending she hadn't heard me. "I should have known that you would have fallen for him. I should have warned you!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I said, indignant and standing up.

Mum whipped to face me, her eyes fierce, but they immediately softened. "You're a good girl, Katherine," she said, her voice cracking. "You've never had a proper boyfriend before. A handsome new boy could easily convince you to be with him." She sat down, tears starting to leak out of her eyes. "I just want to protect you." Her voice got extremely quiet and she put her head in her hands.

"I'm guessing you haven't seen the news then," I said, trying to break the silence.

She shook her head, still not saying anything.

I turned on the television, knowing that the news will be on in a few minutes. I waited for the last of the current programme to end, then sat down beside my mother.

"Breaking news. There has been a leak..."

I zoned out but something the woman said caught my attention.

"The prime minister has said that all people that have had these dreams need to be rounded up and this virus needs to be figured out before any more people get infected."

My mother turned to me. "So he's your soul mate then?"

I nodded.


"That's it? No 'you still can't be with him'?"

She shook her head. "I can't stop you, so I give you permission to date him."

I engulfed her in a hug. "Thanks, Mum."

We stayed like that for a while before I said, "For the record, I'd still be with him, even if you said I couldn't."

She chuckled weakly. "I know."


Ooh, drama. :D

Honey xx

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