Chapter 8

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Black leggings, black top, black jumper, black jacket, black socks, black shoes, black everything. I had turned from the more colourful aspect of my wardrobe so I could blend in with the night. It wasn't until now did I realise how much black was actually in my wardrobe.

Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to fully blend in without one extra item. My auburn hair would likely attract unwanted attention, so I had to wear a beanie (in black, obviously). It looked utterly terrible since it had to cover all of my hair, so my head made me look like an alien because it was all bumpy from where I had shoved my hair into it. Of course, Evan didn't have to make a fool of himself with a hat because of his already black hair, though I seriously doubted he would look bad in anything.

I pulled a (black) balaclava over my face, leaving just my eyes visible. Glancing at the mirror hanging on my wall, I gave myself a slight nod. You can do this, Katherine. With one last scan to check that as much skin was covered as possible, I pulled a pair of gloves - in black - over my hands. I shut the door softly behind me, then proceeded to walk down the stairs quietly. I entered the living room.

Evan stood in silence, staring out the window. His face was hard, but I could see the turmoil of emotions in his eyes.

"Hey," I whispered, approaching him. He turned towards me, his face guarded. "It's going to be okay. We'll just get the information we need and get out of there. It'll be fine."

He nodded, sighing slightly. "I don't want anything to happen to you."

I smiled. "I'll be fine. You should worry about yourself more."

He tried a smile as well, but it came out more as a grimace. "Yeah. Worry more about me, when I know I'll be fine."

"Well, I know I'll be fine, so you don't need to worry," I said, walking to stand in front of him. I looked up into his eyes to still see the battle of emotions. I reached up and settled my hand against his face. "We'll be okay."

"Time to go." I dropped my hand back down to face my mum.

"Okay. We're ready." I glanced up at Evan's face once again and smiled reassuringly.

He nodded back. "Let's go."


Evan's POV

I held Katherine's hand as we walked through the woods. My nerves were rattling around inside of my mind, turning me into a jittery mess. All my thoughts were suggested towards negatives. What if something went wrong? What if Katherine got hurt?

We stopped suddenly.

"This is it," she whispered. "Through those trees. Can you see the lights?"


"So what's the plan?"

"Why am I thinking of the plan?"

"Because I can't think of one."

"Damn it." I ruffled my hands through my hair. "Whatever we do, stay quiet. We're going to try and find the back of the tent, make a distraction, and as they come out, sneak in."

"Sounds fun." Katherine grinned.

I rolled my eyes, putting a finger tip my lips. "Stay low, stay quiet."

We tip toed around the edge of the tent, and I thought of a distraction. It was a classic distraction, but it worked most of the time.

"Okay, I need you to lie on the ground and pretend you've hurt your ankle."

Katherine raised her eyebrows. "So I'm the distraction."

She wasn't impressed, so I decided to win her over with one of my many compliments.

"Yes, your so beautiful that everybody simply has to look at you."

Katherine scowled at me, ripping off the balaclava. "Fine, I'll do it, but you owe me!"

"I know." I grinned, struck by a sudden idea. I pulled a piece of paper and a pen from my pocket, ripping some off. I wrote, in large letters 'I O U' on it, signed my name then handed it to Katherine. "There, now it's official."

Katherine rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless. "C'mon, doofus, let's break into that tent." She suddenly fell to the ground, clutching her ankle. "Aah!"

I knelt beside her, my heart clenching even though I knew it was just an act. "Lizzie, oh my God, are you okay? I'm gonna go get some help, you stay right here." I shrugged my jacket off. "Take my jacket in case you get cold. I'm be right back." I stood and ran off, hiding in the shadows. Katherine was acting really well, so well that I wondered if her ankle was actually hurt. Two appeared from in between the trees, squatting next to Katherine.

"Are you okay, miss? We heard you fall."

Katherine nodded shakily. "Yeah, it's just my ankle. I think I just feel on it wrong. My boyfriends gone to get help."

The second man frowned. "Did he not have a phone?"

Katherine nodded. "Yes, but he couldn't find any signal."

Now the first man joined in with the frowning fest. "Really? I can get full bars in some parts of the forest."

Katherine smiled weakly. "He's got a really bad phone. Terrible at connecting."

"Well, I've really got to get back to work, but my colleague will stay with you."

Katherine whimpered. "No, stay, please. I don't want to be left alone."

The first man smiled. "I'll be right here."

Katherine started crying quietly, letting out shall sobs every now and then.

I couldn't look. My heart broke even though I knew she was just acting.

The two men exchanged a look.

"Okay, we'll both stay."

Katherine looked up, her eyes hopeful. "Really?"

"Yes, of course."

"Thank you," she said, sniffling.

Now I knew that the men were there to stay, I crept away silently through the bushes, looking for the tent.


So, for anyone still reading this, this is a short one, but I just wanted to get something for any one who remains to read. So yeah.

Honey xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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