Chapter 1

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I woke with a start. I struggled to grasp at the disappearing smoke that was my dream and groaned in frustration. I could only remember a certain face, a face I was sure I had seen before. I sifted through my 15 years of memories but nothing came. Not a name, where he came from, where I'd seen him. Nothing. I sighed. The dream had came three times, but still I remembered nothing.

That was when the alarm decided to turn on with its annoying jingling that gradually got louder and louder. And so with me being the drowsy teenager that I am, I groaned and quickly turned it off before it could annoy me too much.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I almost fell down the stairs, tripped over a shoe then stubbed my toe. I hopped into the kitchen where my mum was already eating a bowl of cereal.

Mum looked up, smiled and said, "Did you have a good sleep?"

I frowned. "Well, I had the dream again, if you call that a good sleep."

"I'm sure it'll make sense one day," she reassured me.

I sighed. "Yeah, I guess." I grabbed a bowl of cereal and started to munch through the crunchy granola.


Unknown POV

I walked through the thickening crowd of pupils and found myself wondering about that dream again. That girl, I swear I've seen her before. And she was so beautiful...

I found myself wandering aimlessly through the people, gathering strange looks from some, and disgusted glares from others. Their eyes labeled me as the new kid, the weirdo. I laughed under my breath, my naturally black hair swinging over my eyes. I pushed my hair back again and made a mental note to mention a haircut to my mum once I was home.

It was at that point that the doors to the school finally opened. I wandered through the large building towards my form class: having already been here once I knew my way around fairly well and I'm convinced that I won't get lost.

The teacher looked up when I entered and smiled warmly. "You must be the new person, we've got a spare seat next to... oh, well, Katherine's not here yet but there's a spare seat next to her." She smiled again as she pointed to two empty seats that were directly next each other and I sat in the one that she indicated.

The already settled pupils quickly started to enter the room and I sunk down lower into my seat, wanting nothing more but to disappear.


Katherine's POV

I stumbled into school practically running through the corridors. I cursed under my breath as I glanced at the clock and I stopped to slow my heart beat before entering the silent class. 30 pairs of eyes snapped to my face and I blushed an extremely attractive beetroot-red. (Note the sarcasm.)

That's when I noticed him.

A pair of dark green eyes that seemed to pierce my very soul, black, messy hair that created an almost bad boy look and a flicker recognition that flashed across his face.

My heart stopped.

I walked slowly towards my seat, my blue eyes never leaving his green ones.

On the surface, my face was calm, but if you looked carefully into my eyes like the boy was, you might have noticed the turmoil underneath. They showed panic, shock and a hint of curiosity.

For he was the boy. The boy from my dream. He was here, in my very class. That's where I had seen him, when he visited that day to look at the school. Then the dreams came. The thought came into my mind that maybe the two points were connected.

A sharp voice interrupted the moment. "While it is wonderful having you join is today, Miss Katherine, I'm sure Mr Evan does not appreciate you staring at him, since it is his first day."

I dropped my gaze to the floor. "Yes, sorry," I mumbled, not meeting Evan's bright eyes.



Thank you for reading the first part of The Dream, I promise the next parts are longer!

Vote if you liked it, comment if you thought I could improve some bits.

Honey x

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