bus-stop bitch

53 4 0

timeline : after Draken was saved by Takemichi


Puffs of air escaped her muffler , misting into the air as Y/n painfully jumped over puddles . Her feet were killing her , sure she liked being regularly in motion , but the lifestyle of a busy-body didn't quite suit her feet . There had been an ache deep in the bone of her ankle throughout her examinations , that she was now returning from . The prospect of having a seat to rest on made her excitedly walk faster towards the bus-stop .

On reaching her destination Y/n bitterly smiled , a person slept horizontally on the entirety of the bus-stop bench . Saying the person was thoughtless and selfish would be bad , what if they were more tired than she was .

'Motherfucker' she thought regardless , not caring wether they surpassed her in the competition of being exhausted or not . Pain was meant to be understood , not compared . In the competition of life though , Y/n is an individual who has come to terms with the fact that luck strikes her daily- negatively and in her ass with sharp shoes on . It was bad to the point her mother had dragged her to meet up with a shaman , an eccentric man , Mr Arataka .

All Y/n had returned home with that day was himalayan blessed salt in a pouch and on her shoulders .

Today , she had run out of pencil lead during her exams and the corner of her test paper which had her name on it had torn off when she had attempted to rub off a mark near it . Her day , like everyday , had been shitty . She was thankful that she , at least was warm .

A car drove past her at bullet speed , splashing water towards her and the girl glared , drawing her umbrella open , in the likeness and fashion of a katana . Not a droplet touched her and she felt satisfied- no one was taking the one good thing she had at the moment .

"Thank you" a voice spoke from behind her and Y/n hesitantly turned around to look at the person . It was the blondie who had been asleep on the bench .

"Why?-" the girl squeaked , looking down and quickly clearing her throat after . The person , now sitting upright on the bench seemed to still be in a state of post-nap high.

"Oh- you know , dirty road water" he spoke , rubbing his nape and gesturing at the road with his chin . Those actions felt a little intimidating . Y/n knew exactly why . This person was the epitome of a delinquent- minus his blonde hair , which thankfully didn't represent a worm or a toothbrush .

Following the paranoid 'prey' mindset her brain had adapted to throughout her unlucky life , Y/n quickly turned around , shifting further away from the boy . The bench was open now , yes , but her life mattered more . Her feet could go die in a ditch or something .

Unfortunately , Y/n felt and saw the boy stand beside her through her peripheral vision . Breathing slow and deeply , the girl constructed a master plan in her mind , of how she would cough and confuse the guy , after which she would run across the road , when the guy wouldn't be capable of beating her- or doing whatever delinquents do because of his scattered mind-

"Can you hold this?" the boy asked , poking her shoulder .

'Fuck' thinking that , the girl looked away , holding her palm out so he could place the requested object in her care . He smiled , bending down to redo his shoelaces . Feeling a little calm after the smile , Y/n frowned , looking down at her palm to be enlightened on what exactly she was holding and her breathing shot up notches .

'A tasuki ?-" she gasped , screaming under her breath . (tasuki : the white sash)

"Sorry?" The still bent guy asked , slightly looking up.

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