kicking with kindness

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"Bus-chan !" the boy screamed .

Y/n took one glance at his idiotic , grinning face and fastened her pace , trying to hide her's from the boy .

"Bus-chan ? Bus-chan wow- today too?" he screamed once more , bouncing up and down in his spot , under the canopy outside the ramen shop .

For the past week , after Y/n had defended her life at the road turning , the imbecile had latched onto her . The ramen shop Mikey hung out at with his friends , happened to be on the road Y/n took home everyday , after school .

Everyday he would spot her and scream-


Y/n turned around to look at the boy , a look of irritation etched onto her brow , and went back to ignoring him- like she had been doing for the past week .

The evening summer air Y/n inhaled made her feel sleepy and exhausted from her day's labours . Gulping , she thought of running herself a bath once she got home , but for now she could do with an iced coffee. 

Standing in front of a vending machine , Y/n fumbled in her pockets for a coin , triumphantly whipping out 100 yen .

"Bus-chan!" a voice spoke into her ear and Y/n yelped , cupping her palm over her ear , startled . Realizing she had dropped her yen , she cried out aloud .

"Ahh-!" She watched her coin roll off and fall into the gutter through the drain bars which failed to do their job . Her badluck had struck again . She proceeded to glare at the person who had led to this . Mikey .

"Wow- was that because of me?" He asked , pointing at himself , eyes wide and questioning- like he genuinely had no idea .

"Yes-" Y/n spoke through clenched teeth , closing her eyes and taking a deep breath .

"Sorry-" He looked at Y/n enthusiastically "but I can make up!" . Y/n nodded upwards , indicating a 'what'.

Lightly pushing her back , the boy got into an attack stance , hands still in his pockets . Within a flash and a 'bang!' , Y/n's mouth gaped open as Mikey kicked the vending machine .

'Kutchek' a melon soda fell into the pick up box of the machine and Y/n stared at a grinning Mikey with wide eyes .

"See? Power" he stated , a pleased smile adorning his lips as Y/n bent down to take the melon soda .

It wasn't what she had wanted , but twas the result of violence and kindness combined .

"Thank you" she beamed , looking up at the boy .

"No problem Bus-chan"

"Fine then-" saying so , Y/n turned to continue her walk home . A look of disbelief crawling onto Mikey's face , Y/n felt a pull at her blazer .

"Wow Bus-chan , not fair" he spat , his cheeks puffing up . She scoffed . Simply yanking her blazer out of his grip , Y/n turned around to walk home .




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