survival of the fittest (rewritten)

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sorry for the rewriting inconvenience 
( ノT▽T)ノ


It had been two months now .

Two months since Y/n had met the boy at the bustop .

Two months since she had been tearing hair out every night .

'Two months , two months , two months' her mind subconsciously screamed at her as she tried to walk home in peace .

"Arghhhhh" the girl crouched down , holding head head . Maybe it was the guilt of not noticing a person bleeding to death that tormented her . That situation was not in her hands though  , yet the guilt had definitely latched on .

How much more guilt could she hold , she didn't know anymore .

Shaking off the uneasy feeling , Y/n continued to walk , steadily forward . The sky was dimming and the street lamps had begun to flicker awake . The streets were quiet- almost too quite for it to be evening .

Y/n rounded a corner and knew why she'd been feeling uneasy .

The sight of a whole crowd of boys , mercilessly beating one another up met her eyes and panic instantly spread up to her brain . Backing off a little from the blocked road , Y/n prepared herself to sprint home on a different path .

It was common in Tokyo to occasionally come across teenagers tearing one another to shreds , but it was almost too common for Y/n with the shitty luck she had . The chances of escaping or being found in a drain with her skull cracked open were fifty-fifty .

Still stepping away , Y/n fumbled around in her pocket for her cellphone , running and crouching next to a dustbin- this and she would run away from here . Dialing in Officer Hirotaka , her dad's colleague's number with her shivering fingers ,  the girl looked up once more .

"Pick up , pick up , pick up-" Y/n yelped as someone harshly pulled her back by her collar , the front of her school shirt uncomfortably strained against her neck .

"Look who we have here" the guy grinned down at Y/n , who resembled a deer caught in headlights . Peering up with big , startled eyes , the girl grinned back .

"Uh- hi" she waved , hoping he'd let her go .

"What are you doing here eh?"

"Oh- you know , just passing by" the girl spun up a feeble reply , still with a wide smile plastered onto her face .

"So what's this then ?" Holding up the phone , he glared at the girl . Her smile vanished 

"Hello? Hello?" The man on the phone , Officer Hirotaka called out .

"I don't know him- who's he ?" The girl remarked laughing , looking up at the delinquent who still held her collar in his grip .

" Y/n ? Y/n- are you stuck in a fight again??!" Y/n grimaced as the delinquent looked down at her name tag . Grinning back at her once more .

"Looks like someone is a spy~" he sang out and Y/n closed her eyes , bracing herself for a blow in the face when she fell to the floor , the clatter of her cellphone clear in her ears .

Wincing , the girl opened her eyes while rubbing her bum to see a tall , black haired boy repeatedly punching the guy who had tormented her , in the face . His hair swaying with each punch , like they were used to all that violence .

'Serves him right'  Y/n thought , quickly grabbing her now cracked cellphone off the floor and running away from the two . The battle had extended to the dustbin where she'd been standing , so Y/n figured she'd make it if she ran through the masses , out the other end .

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