500 Years Later, In The Modern World Chaper 1 The Truth

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"Hey, Brother! You are too fast!!! Slow down!!!" yelled Forge, that is me, in case you didn't know, and we should be about 14 years old right now according to our step-father, the Soil Lord, he really had the worst memory system ever, he had to check with his powers from time to time. We were playing the new game on Roblox called 'Nerf Strike' and Forge is being chased by Monopoly. "Well, THAT is not My fault, YOU are too slow!!!" laughed Monopoly, he was way too smart for Forge, and it is not even remotely fair since he had full set ruby armor! He turned a corner, shot a few bullets, which made Forge slow down, then chased in front of him. Monopoly then jumped a few times to corner him between lava and him, no matter how much Forge tried to shoot at his brother, he just couldn't kill him, Monopoly kept jumping, then as Monopoly tried to one-shot his brother, Forge jumped and Monopoly instead shot the board beside Forge, Forge's trap was activated, the board fell down and caused the lava in the game to be swooped up like a spoon, and then flowed towards Monopoly, he tried to back up, but the lava was sent all around him so he is trapped. Forge smiled, but then Monopoly jumped up, and shot at Forge's stupid iron armor, which made him fall into the lava in the game so Monopoly still won at last. He shouted "YESS!!!!" Forge sighed, and looked in the pool of water that step-dad had given them to swim in. There was the image of his face, and somehow, he looked a lot more different than his twin. He had a skin colored face, and two horns that looked like that of an antelope's. He had white spots over his face, and he had a pointy ear which had rough and hard skin. He didn't know that humans are supposed to have skin like an alligator's. He also didn't know that twins are supposed to look different. "What are we gonna do now?" Monopoly came and asked Forge. Their step-father, the Soil Lord, answered that question. He brought someone in front of us, he had a band around his eyes, had a farming hat on and rough clothes on, the shorts were also bad and he looked....like us, but a little bit different. We had the most wonderful features, our ears, our face, our hands....he just had the same color of skin from head to toe. We actually never met any other people before, our step-father, the soil Lord, never took us outside, he thinks we might be half-god, because we both can see gods and stuff. He told us that in heaven we might get a job, "One year on Earth, one day in heaven," He told us.

"Forge, Monopoly, this is one of your kind....the first human you would meet!" step-father said as he brought in the person, I was really excited, but when the person opened his eyes, they almost popped out of his skull! "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" he shrieked, "DEMONS!!!!!" he bolted away. I was upset, and hurt. What was wrong with him? step-father narrowed his eyes, and started to close his eyes and shine as I had seen a million times to enchant the soil. "There would be no crops for him in a year!" But me and my twin are already thinking of something, that person looks like us, but without the features, and he called us 'Demons', but what that meant is that . Could we be half a demon? I don't want to follow down that path and find out, though. I am so afraid of what I might see in myself if I tried to find out. But I can't stand the tension! As always, I asked the most questions, and I really love answers. I decided to find out, so at sunset I went to my step-father, "step-father....am I any different from that 'human' we saw?" I asked.

"Well, no, because 1. You are and Monopoly are humans, 2. Humans look the same, and 3. They only have skin-colored skin." Now I understand, I can't ask my father, he thought we looked exactly like the human!

At night my step-father moved the house again with his soil powers further into the woods to keep us hidden and safe, and got us our tatami, he told me and Monopoly the story about how the 'Crystone' was created, it was a combination of a crystal of Yudi (the king of the world) and a stone from a poor farmer.

"One day, the crystal fell off because Sun WuKong (after he became a god) was drunk and tried to destroy the world in his state. And in the stunt he knocked off Yudi's crystal. The crystal hit the stone that the poor farmer used as a friend, and it smashed together to create the shiny stone, after the farmer saw it, he suddenly forgot all about the gods and monsters, if he ever saw one of the gods or a monster, he would see them as normal people or things that were none magical. Then the farmer loved the stone so much that one day he threw it in the sky and accidentally let the gods catch it, but then it didn't make the gods happy, it made the gods crazy and insane. so they decided to throw it back on the ground. A human emperor found the stone and showed it to everyone proudly, afterwards it made almost every human can't see the gods and demons, their children were the same. The humans that didn't see the stone wrote about us and passed them to people who can't see the truth anymore, so we became legends, myths, to everyone because the child of a person that can't see the truth, which we now call 'Non-seer' and a person that can see the truth which we call 'Seer' became a non-seer except for some anomalies who accidentally have god's blood in them and only they could see the fact of things. And the person who has it can wield it to make anyone think fake things and they can make others have illusions, but still, some demons and gods and monsters still have a little bit of this strong magic, so never believe too much you see in front of your eyes."

Step-father told us before we weren't old enough to know this but now we do, and he told us this so that we won't go busting about, you can't rely on non-seers, and the human we saw was a seer and still remembers about the chinese myths, which are us. Then he kissed us a good-night. But later I just can't stop thinking about the pieces coming together in this myth of my parents. I kind of understand now. At night, I decided we should go to other places, if the gods don't accept us, they sure will also punish our step-father, and we don't want that to happen. I hope we will still be accepted, though. Surely the humans would actually see the signs of a human on us....right?

"Hey....HEY!!!" I woke my brother up. He is so sleepy. "Let's go, if we are half demons, and the gods don't accept us, we can't drag in our step-father with us!" We had a few arguments, he was as selfish as always, he complained about all sorts of things, how we are supposed to shower, how we are supposed to play with our freefire and where we are going to sleep, but finally we were on our way into the dangerous jungle. We silently opened the door across the platform of step-father's bed toward the village beyond the small forest. I carefully tip-toed into the tall trees. I looked at my step-father for one last time, and then stepped into the forest.

We kept going forward in the forest, hoping that we could spot the village's light, but it was dark all the way through. I couldn't see anything. I jumped on a tree and swung myself to the ground with what I thought was a vine, but turned out to be a giant python! I fell, and my brother caught me in his hands. Then, I saw a sparkle of light and I called out, "Hey! Monopoly, there is light up ahead! The village is right there, let's go!" I urged him, he rolled his eyes, then followed me. Up there we could see the firelight crackle. I was about to step forward when a hand ripped me out from behind the tree and my face was an inch to the fire. I gulped, and of course, my brother, who was way braver than me, jumped out from the trees and shouted

"WHO ARE YOU TO TRY AND HURT MY BROTHER?!" he wasn't even remotely scared....until he saw the kidnappers. Then he completely changed face. "D....demons?" He started sweating, and the biggest one, the one who held me, or the one who had tentacles instead of hands and three wolf heads instead of a normal head, snarled and then smiled when he saw us, "Oh, son of my friend.....I am SURE that you are very amused with yourselves!" he snarled, giant eyeballs staring right at me.

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