Chaper 9 The Betrayal

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I woke up, gasping. And I saw some bars near my face. "Hey!!!!" I yelled, "Hey, let me out!!" I turned to find ice walls, I pounded, kicked, did everything I could to try and break it, but it won't budge. So I just sat there for a long time, until I slept. I woke to tapping on my head, and I sat up immediately, to a tray of food in front of me, Lisa delivering it, chicken nuggets, a bottle of milk, sushi, fish soup, bread, and a pie. "YOU STINKING B***H!!!!!!" I yelled, I took the pie, and flung it through the cell bars to her stomach, she fell to the floor, gasping for air, "I saved your life before!! And this is how you repay me? I carried you that far, killed demons for you, saved you in a coma, risked my own life, and you cage me up? You work with my brother for what? Love? What did he ever do for you? Do you really know him that well? Let me tell you, he will cheat you before I can starve to death!" I took all the food and threw it out on Lisa, who looked so startled I wanted to slap her. Then her eyes ran to the floor, "Monopoly....he than you." she said. "I.....I am more safe around him." she stammered, "And he has your whip now." I kicked her through the bars, "So, you want to use me as a sacrifice, huh? You want me to stay in this prison for I don't know how many years to satisfy my brother's intentions?" I asked, "Bring him to me."

"But.....he is having lunch!" she cried, I sighed, "Please, Lisa, bring him, it is the least you can do after this." I pointed at the bars holding me. She walked away, then brought Monopoly when she came back, whispering to him and stealing kisses between words. I felt like I was going to vomit, "Why are you doing this to me, Monopoly? I never hated you, I didn't do anything to make you angry, why are you doing this?" I never felt so misunderstood before. "You did!" he yelled, "You must die here." he stared at Lisa, then kissed her again. I am just so powerless, if I can just break these bars...."Shut it now." Lisa said, and pulled away. In fact this was the only sentence she said that didn't make me want to punch her. "What is your true intention?" I asked, "Why do you want to do this? If you must do this, at least go and save our step-father, he will be dead if you don't retrieve all the items!" I told him, but he shook his head, "All of that must be a trick, if Yudi kills the dirt Lord, he won't be able to control that piece of ground, and monsters will swarm there as it is beyond the power of the immortals." Monopoly said, and winked at Lisa, the two of them looking so innocent, without guilt, so happy. "Tomorrow, we will get rid of you once and for all." Monopoly said, and laughed, I am powerless here, without my whip, the ice is made of water, it is Monopoly's range of power. I pounded on the bars as Lisa hugged Monopoly then walked back with him to their bedroom or something. "Stupid disgusting B***HES!!!" I screamed, but I can only try to not lose my sanity, for all I knew, the hat of invisibility could be right on top of me! Only if I had that whip, I could melt the cage and attempt to free my step-father! Go to heaven, break his cage, and bring him to safety! But I can't do that if I am trapped here, so how exactly do I do it?

I thought about it a lot, but nothing works, I took all day to break one bar, and when it was nighttime I still had 3 bars left over to break to be able to escape! But.....Lisa sent me food, she can't possibly send so much with a small gap, there must be some kind of opening, that they made, or else how did they bring me food each time? There must be some door that they used secretly while I was asleep! I was scanning, touching all around me for a door when an old man was in front of me, I staggered back, "Wait, wh....who are you?" I demanded, and the old man chuckled, "I'd rather not be disrespectful to the one person who can get you out, though that isn't what I am here for, I am here to tell you about your whip, " whip? You knew about that?" I honestly thought the two buddies will not tell, "Oh, we knew, al right, I am the one to make the whip, but there is another story to it, I am telling you, when you say 'I am bringing more tentacles out of the whip', do you really know what you are saying? Do you understand the truth?" my mind is blank, no, I didn't understand. "No, don't." I said, and the old man started to pace, "When I had forged the whip, it was the best in the world, and millions of people tried to steal it, it was finally stolen by a good monkey called 'Sun WuKong' , or as you may call him, 'WuKong'." I gasped, "Yes, yes, it is true." he said, then continued, "Then he went to the Journey to the west, yet he died in the Journey." his eyes showed a little hate. "How, HOW?!" I cried, "When the fake WuKong came, well, SENT by Yudi," he started, "No one could recognize the two different WuKongs, not even Yudi himself, and then Ru Lai came and reviewed the impostor, the six-eared macaque, he was pretending to be WuKong." I continued, "Then WuKong killed the six-eared macaque, with hate."

"Wrong, wrong, that is what everybody said, but let me tell you logic, I was there when the six-eared macaque came for a riot. But think, Ru Lai said one of them was the six-eared macaque, but didn't say who was who." my backspine chilled, "That can't be true!" I said, "WuKong, what? Why would they kill him?" I asked, and the old man frowned. "WuKong was dangerous, and vicious. The who point of that journey was made up for killing WuKong, you don't really think they were going to try to let him live. Right?" he said, "Think of it this way, you see, Guanying was the goddess of peace and forgiveness. Of course she helped in most of their dangers. But, bonus, Yudi is surpossedly the King of the universe and the first immortal, so how come is it that he was almost as old as time yet can't regonize the six-eared macaque? Think about it!" I shivered, "So they were trying to get rid of WuKong instead of helping him!" I exclaimed, it all made sense now! "Also, from the acts of WuKong, it looks like he is more loyal and less impulsive! Because that wasn't him!" I said. "Excactly!" the old man said, though I am sure now he must be an immortal. "But even then, the whip was still with WuKong," I widened my eyes, "You mean, wait, what?" I asked, "That is why you had that voice, not because some old demon gave you a drink of soul water, no. It is because that water hastened the process. WuKong liked you and stayed with you before you got the whip. The voice was WuKong and he is connected to you, even though he is not talking to you, that is only because he had been stopped by Yudi. Yet he is still connected to you. Think about that while your 'friends' kill you tommorow morning, Wish you luck!" with that he disappeared. I got it, WuKong is a good guy, idea is stupid, but it has a very high chance of being possible. "He is still inside that whip, isn't he? That is how I controlled the whip! He heard my demands and he followed them!" I reached inside my head, dug deep, and hard. "You are Taibai Jinxing, aren't you?" I said to empty air, "Thought so."

I kept concentrating, but suddenly my whip flew through the hall and into my hands, "WuKong!" I said in my mind, and it was weak but I heard a reply. "F....Forge?" I felt sorry for him, I really do, having been abandoned, betrayed, now I understand both those feelings. I felt our connection getting stronger and stronger now that I know about him. "How did you know I was WuKong?" my whip said, with surprise. "Well, Taibaijinxing told me, but that doesn't matter. Can you burn through these bars?" I asked, Wukong jabbed at the bars, and the ice, "No can do, Forge." he said, and for once I realized he was talking in real life, not in my mind anymore. "Then quickly go back to your post. tomorrow they will be killing me, and when we are closest, and out of the cage, I am trusting you to jump into my hands, and blast a hole through the roof, then toss me outside, can you do that?" I asked. "Yes, I can, maybe. Probably, well, not so sure. My point is that when you have let go of me and let me do the dirty job, you would feel as if you had done it instead of me. Are you ready to fly into your hands, blast a hole in the roof, then lift you out? If I were you, I would sleep now, you would need to get ready." he curled into the shape of a smile, "Let's do this! I have never had a friend in 500 years!" I think he winked, though he didn't have a face, then he flew away. "Monopoly and Lisa." I muttered, "I am going to survive anyhow!"

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