Chaper 4 The Ruins

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The next day, I realized my voice wasn't talking to me lately, I was more or less relieved. WuKong made a copy of himself and the copy went to lead us and protect us while the real WuKong stayed at the Fruit and Flower Mountain. On the way, we met some monsters, but WuKong's just too strong, and sometimes we kill them personally. When we finally arrived, WuKong said, "This was disobeying Yudi's orders, please don't let him know, and because of this, whatever happens, I could only watch, YOU have to face them yourselves." Then he turned into a piece of orange hair, I took the orange hair, I have an idea, I put the hair on my whip, then I burnt it. I went towards the ruins of the house, I have a feeling that you have to watch every one of your step here, I used the whip to smack down the door, both me and my brother brandished our weapons, we took a tentative step forward, and the door closed, the windows shut, and soon there was no way out, then a python loomed out of a crack in the floor, it hissed at us, we screamed! While my brother made a wall of water on the stairs, and I made a wall of fire behind it, then the python casually passed the wall of water and fire. My eyes bulged outwards, but Monopoly looked somehow calmer than me, and then I knew I should run, but my legs were lead, then Monopoly tried to pull me up to run, but the python bit down on my calf, and I screamed even more! "STOP TRYING TO PULL MY BROTHER AWAY, YOU &%&^$&%^$^&*&#@%*&@#* BEAST!" Monopoly shouted, I stared right into the python's eyes, he glared back and I realized that this python maybe had human feeling somehow! So it would react to pain like people!

I turned my whip into blazing mode and struck the side of the python with it. That obviously didn't do anything, but the python still twitched and thrashed with pain. I struck again, and this time, I struck it right in the eye. It let go of me and twitched even more. My mind suddenly went ablazed, and I got to work, I got a lot of materials I didn't know, and then I started to construct. By the time the blazing feeling had gone, I had made an anaconda trap, the front was a detector, and at the last lane there was me, which the python wants, then there is also a spike to trap the python. Monopoly looked at me in wonder, as soon as the python stopped thrashing, it was in the trap, when he almost reached me, the trap closed onto him, trapping him in the cellar, there was a tiny hole on the top, I opened it, and saw the python's skin, he crawled towards the hole, and when he came up, weak, and exhausted, Monopoly was there and gave him a final blow, it miraculously didn't die, but instead it fell unconscious in the cellar and vomited out a box.

I was almost scared out of my wits, but Monopoly was rather better. He took out the box and opened it, or at least he tried to open it, yet it was locked. He tried to use my horn to unlock it but that didn't work, he picked at the box with a stick and when that still didn't open the box he hit it with the nunchuck in fury and accidentally made the box bounce up and hit him on the head. He fainted, it was scary with only me who is actually still conscious in the house, but I gulped and wielded the whip to act as a key. I made the whip just go around and finally the lock opened. Inside there were two albums, "Don't open it!" my dad warned, as I opened them, inside there were photos of a demon with a beautiful lady riding on him, the demon and the lady were smiling happily, and I felt my voice sobbing. Another photo had the same lady as the last one brushing her hair. I flipped through the last page and saw the demon hugging two babies that looked like us but smaller. My voice was literally crying, "That was a happy family, he ate people and stole things because he was unacceptable. When he was good, he was bullied and untrusted. When he was bad, he was accused of being bad, so what other choices does he have? Yet Yudi cursed his wife to hate him and think he is evil. He had her forget they were a family!" He was devastated right now and crying so much, "Go, if you want, make Yudi stronger so he destroys more of us, go save your precious step-father, I WON'T HELP YOU!!!!!!!" I can't say anything, he was mad, he was hurt, he just wanted revenge and family. I would be like that, You kids must retrieve it, you are the only ones that might have an instinct of where it is, then you must go, if it is the last thing you would do! It is the only thing you are worth! I still remember the last sentence Yudi said to us, he thinks we are worthless, are we? here we are, just some stupid kids that hoped for a stupid destiny.

"The Fairy Tales are lying, there has never been a happy ever after in 5000 dozen centuries and there won't be one anytime soon. Friend have an end, Believe has a lie and the World is a cruel place." , I shook my head and reached for the second album, except it wasn't an album, it was a map, three maps, in fact, and each of them required a certain edge of the the voice said, Monopoly was frowning like me, voice is probably also speaking to himorld, north, east, and south, just not west. my voice was shaking his head in confusion, "How? I had put them in that box, how is it so far away? At each corner of the world....what is wrong with this person?" I can't believe it, "We have to go to the three damn corners of the WORLD to get an infinite wine cup, a hat of invisibility and a power vomiting snake? This is outrageous! Yudi you are disgusting!!!" Monopoly yelled, "Calm down," I said, "Maybe I can make a slingshot...."

"BUT WE CAN"T EVEN GET OUT OF THIS STUPID MANSION!!!" he yelled, and for a moment his voice echoed throughout the whole place,

"But We Can't Even Get Out Of This Stupid mansion!!"

"we can't even get out of this stupid mansion."

"can't even get out~"

"stupid mansion~"


Then we heard the woosh of the wind and the burning as something came towards the mansion, with a loud crash, someone came inside, it was WuKong!

"Oh, right, I forgot to tell you there is a giant anacon-aaahhhhh!!!!!" he shrieked as the anaconda hissed in the trap, awake once more. "So, I thought you said you can't help us anymore?" Monopoly asked while I stayed quiet, "Well, I just thought maybe you can't defeat the anaconda, by the way, how did you trap it?" WuKong asked, and I shrugged, "I made a trap and got it in." WuKong noded, "Ok," then he looked up, panic shot across his face, "Oh, no! Yudi is coming to spectate!" He said, "Bye, good luck!" Then he shot across the horizon. I sighed, then headed towards the north, where the Crown Of Invisibility was kept, "Hey, let's go to the north first, it seems the closest as we are right now in China." I told Monopoly. By the way, I also picked up some gold that dropped off the wall when WuKong came, then I thought better of it, pick-pockets might steal them, so I quickly crafted a secret pocket in my pocket and put the gold inside.

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