Chaper 2 Hello, Voice

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The demon looked at us, then took out a jar. inside, a face was bubbling, he had my ears, Monopoly's face colour, he had teeth of a shark's, he had horns like me. The octopus demon went and started to talk to the jar or something, then he walked up to me and gave me the jar.

"You take this jar of wonderful soup and drink it, one portion for you, one portion for your brother." The demon said, "And be snappy about it, or else you are better cooked!" they stared at us, I gulped, my brother too, and slowly, I drank a part of the soup, and my brother did the same. At first nothing happened, and I sighed with relief. But then bombs exploded in my head, events I never knew about started appearing. Things I never understood started making sense, and there was someone talking to me though no one moved their mouths. I looked at my brother with horror, "I am your voice, Forge, though I don't have a name, you can call me the voice." Oh my holy god. Who was this? Like, how is he even alive inside my head?

How is he talking to me, can he understand my thoughts? Can he hear me? Is this happening to my brother too? Is this actually my voice? Is he evil? Is he a demon? Does he still have his sanity? By now I knew I had a million questions, but my voice didn't seem to mind these questions, except about if he is evil or not. "I am NOT evil, I just like to eat people and more rather have a human princess wife, how is that evil?" Oh, right, but if that is true......are we the king's grandsons? "That goddamn Sun WuKong is the one that is evil." the voice said, if he was my voice, though from what I am hearing, he is so bad and seriously? Eating people? Why would you even do such a thing? They have thoughts and feelings and are people that could be made friends! In my head, my voice sneered, "If you had been me, you would understand that whether you ate people or not, you would never in your life be accepted by the gods and the seers! They will always think you are a monster so it doesn't even matter whether you eat people or not, to them you are evil." but I don't care what he says, I would never become as bad as him....but what if I remained lonely all my life? I don't want to be kicked out for my half demon existence.

I want to be good all my life, I don't ever want to be evil yet I can't promise that. I saw the terrified look on the person's face when he saw me. "I want you to help me regain my body, then we would make the demons rule the world, over the gods, over the animals, and, more importantly, rule over those pesky stupid humans, non-seer or seer!" I could do anything! If I help my voice, everything is possible for me, feasts, countries, planes, space, the sky, the heaven! I'd be a hero and everyone would love....wait, no, I'd be a destroyer, I'd be bad, I'd be hero....for the demons.

"NO!" I shouted aloud, what was I thinking? We better get out of here before they get us! I even forgot the whole reason that we were here, we wanted to protect our dear old step-father the Soil Lord!

The voice was still there, trying to make me obey him, screaming inside my head, the other demons started chasing us and I am terrified of them so much more now that I feel like I want to disappear completely, "RUN!!!" I shouted, the demons feel like monsters, hounds, haunting me....but then a shine of light burst from the sky and the demons evaporated into nothing! I looked up, and I saw a priest sitting cross legged on a huge flower, then the pedals of the flower flew off one by one to form a stair from the ground to the flower, "Come aboard, young fine boys, Yudi has called for you." she said in a serene voice, it was like eating honey that soothed people. I stepped up the pedals into the flower. The pedal then returned to the flower and it started to flow away, "I am Guanying," she said, "One of Yudi's Immortals." I was so surprised, I heard of Guanying from stories, but certainly never saw her in real life.

She was the one WuKong had called every time he had trouble, and Guanying was always able to solve it for WuKong! "YOU ARE THE ACTUAL GUANYING?!" Monopoly shouted, and made Guanying almost fall down the flower. She raised an eyebrow at him and said "Now, I see, you've got some talent, boy, you can trick people with your quick thinking and words," She turned around to stare at me.

"You don't have either quick thinking or trickery, but you have a machine mind, you are so good at machines that you could make one of them and make them as good as magic." I blinked, you know, it isn't normal for anyone to do that, I am really good at machines though, I haven't ever actually tried to make really cool things, but I could use traps to win games online, I could make little pranks in real life with my machinery knowledge. Last time when I had a fight with Monopoly I decided to get revenge, so I turned the bed into a bouncy bed, and I made it so it would only activate the bouncing when the person is on top of it for 15 minutes, and Monopoly ended up being flung into the sky by the bed over and over again! He had to try to sleep while bouncing, and the whole night he was just like bouncing on the bed over and over again! It was so funny and I laughed so much for the entire night until the machine broke and ended up pulling Monopoly's underwear off! "You 2 were like this because you are really special, you are 2 half human half demon babies, Yudi was surprised that demons and humans could even have babies, your whole existence is a miracle to the world." she was actually saying we are cool, not a piece of junk to laugh about. She thinks we are important! "Now, sleep, we'll get to heaven fairly quick, and you need sleep." I closed my eyes, but then opened them wide. "Wait, do you know who raised us?" I asked Guanying quickly, "Do you think we do not know?" She answered, "With Downwind Ears the all hearer and Clairvoyance the all seer you think we didn't know that Soil Lord's every move?" oops, our step-father didn't tell us that. Did he forget that there were Downwind Ears and Clairvoyance?

"Now, sleep, little child, sleep, and you shall wake in a marvelous place of clouds and pillars of pure gold." I did fall asleep inside Guanying's cradle, it was warm and comforting, I closed my eyes, "WAKE!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!! YOU CAN'T SLEEP!!!!!!!!! SPY ON HER!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!!!! ONLY PRETEND TO SLEEP!!!!!" our voice shouted, I ignored him.


"Demon, stop talking to the kids or else I will destroy your soul, remember, you are only alive because you are this kids' voice." Guanying said, and my voice shut up so I finally had peace to sleep at last.

When I woke up, all I could see was guards grabbing me and Monopoly, "NO!!!" shouted Guanying, "This was not the plan! We were supposed to get them a job here!" said Guanying, and then separated them. My step-father was grabbed by the guards too, then Guanying fainted and the guards ended up taking us with our step- father too.

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