Chapter 7

162 9 3

alice pov

5 year time skip

it was a nice summer night as the hotness from the day became cold once the sun set.
the room was large and specious yet the two friends cuddled like there was no space left.

i was peacefully sleeping under my silky sheets  with ryan by my side.god bless rich people who can afford such luxury.

once the clock stroked 3 am there was a weird smell that woke ryan and me up . begrudgingly getting up from the warmth we shared under the blanket  i turned towards ryan,

"what is happening ?"

>>damned if i knew. someone has the quall to wake me up !<<

'aigoo my poor life, i just want my beauty sleep.'

>> what beauty ?  all i see is a raging bisexual mess.<<

' really? take a look at the mirror.'

>> touche<<

' cry me a river, let's see what's the commotion about.'

3rd pov

in the middle of the night the mansion of duke michael and duchess angelina airhart  was under evacuation, blue flames engulfed the mansion little by little. servants we're seen running to different wells for buckets upon buckets of water.

but no matter how much they dumped the water could not extinguish the blue flames.

loud footsteps were heard a butler was running towards them . he quickly escorted them , putting on a wet cloth on their faces so they wouldn't suffocate or get any smoke inside their lungs.

alice and ryan were able to escape trough the side door of the butlers rooms after the servants escorted them outside safety.

it was complete chaos, thankfully there were no death case's only people with minor injuries.

the duke and duchess were rounding up people to help the injured servants, many carried important documents and money that the duke would need .

alice and ryan were sticking together since people were running around trying to help as instructed.

ryan was observing the area , the blue flames made the trees and forest easier to see. looking at the side of the now crumpling mansion , he saw a shadow rapidly running into the forest towards the gates that surrounded the dukes estate.

seeing the culprit on the run , ryan turns towards alice .

>> there's someone running away through the forest, 8 a clock. <<

' we can't let them get away with this.'

in a split second ryan ran off to fech a horse, sitting on it and coming towards alice.
extending his hand he pulled alice up and sat her infront of him .

they quickly rode after the culprit, as they rode through the woods , wind picking up as they crouch closer to the horse while trying to not get hit by the branches.

arriving at the center of the woods, ryan got off the horse and extended his hand to help alice  get on the ground.
the area around them started to get increasingly more foggy.

the fogg was a bit denser than the normal ones you'd have on mountains. instead of your classic white fogg it was a blood red color.
ryan's sense's were going off , warning him of potential danger .

ryan took out his handkerchief and put it on alice's face . soon the fogg  was slowly inhaled by ryan since he didn't have anything to cover his face with . while feeling dizzy as the seconds pass by , both alice and him succumbed to darkness .

in the last moments of councious ness ryan pulled alice beside him , covering her with his body.

the last thing he heard was the person covered in black looking at them from a few meters away clearly ready to run .

all he heard was :

" the timer is set, you don't have much left. Times up ! "

and everything went black.

Word count : 686

And that there is my grand return to writing . Hope y'all didn't miss me too much, I'm currently in the middle of midterms so it's a miracle I'm able to update.

Special thx to my wifey Laural_plant for helping me make the draft of this chapter

The next chapter already has a draft so I'll try getting it done before Christmas. ⛄🎄

Adios! Until next time !!!

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