Chapter 3

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Alice POV                  

<<The capture targets are going to cause a civil war.>>
I look straight into Ryan , feeling shocked, confused and a bit scared..... A BIT Scared just a fucking BIT.the only thing that came out my mouth was


>>Calm down , calm down. For the love of -.....
Stay fucking calm , ya hear me ?<<
(The office vibes am I right?)

Okay okay I'm fine I'm fine . Wait , but just how and why did a civil war happen?I look dead ass in Ryan's ocean blue eyes looking for an explanation. Then as though he read my mind which he probably did  T_T just saying.

>> Okay so , here's how it goes. The capture targets all fall for the heroin, right?<<
I nodded in response. Ye so what's the problem there?

>>Well the heroin is after the harem ending. But in the after story , all of the capture targets want to claim her as their own. There's the problem . So the crown prince has bad connections with his childhood friends . Since all of them are of high status, they start to fight dragging their houses with em.<<

On dear God , what the fuck are the capture targets doing. I realize I'm sweating bullets. What happens to my parents, grandparents and servants ?! What happens to me?
Ryan puts his pinky finger over mine, in an instant I feel a little calmer.…

>>So in the end nobles had to pick side's , the royal family, the rebels in the start of the civil war all the while having tense relations with the neighboring country.>>

"That's because of the prince of the neighboring  country is one of the capture targets right?"

>>Exactly. That's why I'm telling you this early on so we can find a way around it. And there's another thing you should be aware of...<<

"What is it?" Things can't get any worse right?

(Honey  you just jinxed yourself, sorry not sorry. My world ,my story and my rules. Muhaha!!!)

>>The Duke and Duchess will die and so will you if this civil war occures >>

My heart dropped, I started to feel sick . My sweet parents are going to die because of this shit ?! Nonononono I finally have a family that I actually care about and they are about me.
They have been with me my whole new life , taking care of me ...


When I was a 1 year old I had nightmares about my death , the torture I had to indure in the hopes of survival . I can still remember the scene like it was yesterday. The chanes , knives , wips etc. Being tied up in a dark room without any windows or source of lights. In the abandoned park .
I'd start crying pleading it to be over but it continues. That's when I feel someone's warm embrace.

I opened my eyes and see my Parents there hugging me , stroking my hair gently in the hopes of calming me down.
Their  warmth was the thing that kept me sane and my trauma slowly settled.
From then on they'd always make time for me in their busy schedule and we'd go for picnics , walks etc.

*Flashback end*

They are my salvation in this life and I can't lose them. I've decided....
"No. Way . In . Hell. Is . That . Going. To . Happen." I refuse this kind of fate,I REFUSE .
" Ryan your going to be with me on this right?"

>>Of course I  am , I'm not going anywhere.<<

Back to the present. I'm currently at my first tea party with my mother. All the children from different status in society are here. The crown prince , villainess and heroin are supposed to be here today.
And when I arrived , being the heir to a dukedom , thise little brats*cough* I mean  children are swirling around me like moths.
I like children don't get me wrong but they're so irritating . I'm more of a cat and dog person. Thankfully I was able to escape.

Now I'm sitting in the far back , drinking lippe tea with Ryan. He introduced himself to the brats I mean children as my butler. Like that would ever happen.

Normal POV

The entrance of the garden opened and there stood the crown prince and the Queen . Escorted by a shit ton of guards.
(Over the top much?)
While in the front of the crowd stood the villainess right across her was the heroin.
A lot of exitment and anticipation filled the air. As the crown prince made his first social debute.
In the far back of the tea party , in the shade you could identify 2 people . Drinking tea and observing everything.

Ryan POV

So the flashy crown prince finally made his appearance. There's that brat of a villainess and the sugar on top , the idiot heroin. I scoffed at the scene. <<Truly disgusting.>>
"Well one thing is for sure, things are going to be busy for us . Starting now."
I hear Alice sighing as she starts eating her cake. Then I turned my attention to a random girl in the distance...

<<Well would you look at that you're stuffing your face full of cake , while that little red head is showing elegance. >>

"Yeahhh sure. Look at that guy right there , being a gentleman and smiling like there's no tomorrow . You should take notes."
I procide with reading her mind, after those words came 'but your my type more than that bland tasting personality of his.'

I stayed silent for a minute and we continue to insilt each other, but that soon turned into insulting others. But one of my comments was too inappropriate and next thing I know.....
Alice showed cake into my mouth, it was chocolate cake but for some reason it had a slight taste of strawberry. That's when I realized Alice had showed the fork in her mouth moments ago and was wearing her usual strawberry chapstick.
I started to blush , as if realizing what she had done , witch she did since I read her mind again. Both of us turn out head's in different directions because of the embareament.
I try changing the subject.

<<So is everything ready?>>

" Why of course."


<<So what's the plan?>>

"Well it's simple really. First off........"

Word count:1139
Okie , that took a long ass time to write.
But I'm glad I did coz I like how it turned out.Sorry for the cliff hanger, but at least you can hang ur coat *badum tras* too much okay. But like holy shit I got 80+ views . Thank you all. Until next time. Adios!

[ADOPTED]In order to survive I have to save the capture targetsWhere stories live. Discover now