The Cold Uchiha and the Smart, Shy, Strong, Ukuzami

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**If you made it this far I must be doing something good right? Anyway this is really unexpected how this is going. I forgot synonyms to some of the words so sorry if there is a lot of repeated words. Anyway back to the story**


Sasuke's POV

The day started out as any other. Lonely and cold. That's how it's been since Itachi went rogue and killed the rest of the clan, now its just me, myself, and my plans for revenge. Anyway I eat breakfast, with a side of tomatoes my favorite, and went to the academy. I decided today I would seat in the middle no idea why.

10min later Sakura (Trash) came in with the fan girls and started trying to get me to go on a date with one of them. Of course, I wouldn't be known as the ice cold Uchiha if I didn't decline them all with a cold response and shoulder, but they didn't give-up until the other boys came in.

Almost everyone in class was dating someone, I just didn't like anyone here. Non of them were really strong nor smart except me and Shikamaru but he was to weak anyway.

Iruka sensi came in early, strange he usually came 5 min later... I notice something move near the door but I couldn't see anything or anyone, I shake it off. Today just gets weirder and weirder...

"Class today we will be having a new student joining us. Please, show respect, if they don't answer your questions from the start. Also, know that they are shy and easily intimidated, so behave!" Saying this Iruka sensi looks directly at Kiba.

A new student now, of all times? Even I wasn't expecting this and I normal I'm ready for anything, but not this and so close to graduation as well. Probably just another weakling, maybe that's why I can't sense them, their chakra level is so low it can't be detected.

"You can come in." Iruka says and he stretches his arm out, like a bird is going to land on it. We look at the door and something, no, someone in a orange hoodie walks in, quickly and silently, goes and hides behind Iruka. At this point everyone is quiet, too, quiet even Sakura and Ino aren't fighting and are just looking.

"Come on introduce yourself," Iruka calmly tells this person, like coaxing a scared animal cub. The person comes out from Iruka and in the most angelic voice I've ever heard says their name.

"H...Hi... hum... I'm Narutoa, Ukuzami.....and its nice to met you."

Wait did I say angelic come on Sasuke Uchiha you can't just say that about someone without even knowing them. Everyone is quiet then Kiba whistles in a perverted way. She quickly hides behind Iruka once more and I can't help but want to kill Kiba at that moment.

I death glare him for just moment then turn my attention back to the young girl. I activate my sharingan and just keep staring, what I see is shocking to say the lest. So much chakra even in the chakra reserves!!

She notices me staring and stares right back without fear just... confusion? I can't take it, I want her here right next to me, I want to hear her laugh, to hug her and never let go. TOO CUTE!! My insides just want to kill anyone who comes near her or hurts her.


Narutoa's POV

Everything is so loud! Except for that black haired boy, I like him, his calm and collective everyone else is yelling and pointing fingers,and I think the black haired ravens eyes were red a minute ago.

I want to go to gramps place and stay in his quite office or play with the Anbu especially Kakashi. But no gramps said this would be good for me. Oh if only Kurama would come out and play for a little, I like learning new jutsus with him.

SaruNaru Female Naruto X Sasuke    The fox-demi human and the UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now