1. You Should've Stayed Home

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"What is a girl like you doing in my part of town...you should of been told by your parents what happens to pretty little ladies who walk around this part of Kattegat." The older blonde man told me...

"I've lived here my whole life and I've never had a problem with anyone before so why would I now?" I asked the man who looked familiar in a way though I was not sure from where nor how.

"Ahh it's Torvi Nelson...Harald 'Fine-Hair' Nelson's only daughter his prized possession and his favourite child...what are the chances you'd run into me...Ragnar Lothbrok's oldest son, Bjorn Ironside-Lothbrok and look at this our fathers hate one another but I don't think anyone could make me hate you..." Bjorn had told me and I only just put the dots together with how I knew him...well in a way.

"Well I guess I'll be on my way Mr Lothbrok...don't let my brothers find you on this part of town they've been looking for a fight...and you would be their favourite catch of the night...bye Bjorn." I had told him over my shoulder before walking a few steps away, before I felt a hand on my arm pulling me back to their body and if I was a betting person I'd say that the person's body would have to be Bjorn Ironside-Lothbrok.

"I will be on my way but you will have my phone number and one day my dear you'll be a Lothbrok instead of a Nelson as will our many children seeing as we must out do our fathers, your father has Halfdan, Arne, Birger, Trygave, Frode and you so that's six and my father has Myself, Gyda, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd, Ivar and Magnus which is seven so will be having at the very least eight...my Belle." He'd wrote his number on my arm before walking back into the darkness leaving me shocked that he'd have the balls to say that to me, his father's biggest enemies daughter...but I was looking forward to our next meeting even if it was in the dark of a bad part of town but who knows what side of town it will be next time...

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