Chapter Seven

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Percy's Pov

I'm getting away from the Slytherin common room when suddenly I bump into that pale blond guy that was talking to Snape about the book. Shit.

"Sorry" he squeaks and walks away. I continued to walk away from the corridor confused. That guy is weird. I go into my next class which is defense against the dark arts with the Gryffindors and the Slytherins. I am kind of glad I talked to Dumbledore into changing my schedule, so it isn't the same as Luna's. Really don't want to talk to her right know.

I take a seat in the far back and wait for the pink woman to begin. I grab riptide out of my pocket and begin to fidget with it. No monsters could cross the forcefield Hecate created, at least that's what she wrote in the book. I put riptide back inside my pocket, remembering that wizards could see through the mist, so if I accidentally uncapped it...well you know.

"Attention" Umbridge stated. "Please settle down now..." she says. She begins talking about some project, I think. Annabeth would love this place. She would go crazy seeing the library and the strange architecture the castle has. Or the classes the professor teach and the moving stairs. It's like everything in this place reminds me of her.

My attention is brought back by a girl standing next to me. I think her name was Hermione, but I'm not sure. She moves her mouth like she's going to speak but words don't come out.

"Um. Project." She shudders. I look at her confused.

"Sorry, what?" I ask.

"Professor Umbridge said that we are partners. For the curse project." She says as she takes a seat next to me.

"Oh yeah" I zoned out again, I guess. While she was taking her stuff out, I can see Harry Potter and a boy with red hair glaring at me from the corner of my eye.

"We're probably not going to finish right now, so we have to go to the library later." The girl says.

"No" I reply.

"What do you mean 'no'? I don't care who you are, I'm not doing this bloody project alone you're going to have to help and just so you know I'm not scared of you." She rants as she slams a book to me full of instructions. I give her a second to calm down before I say anything.

"I was just going to say that I can't go to the library because Dumbledore banned me"

"Oh" she mutters.

The day passed quickly after that, everyone was dinning in the hall, well, everyone except me. The food here is a menace to society, so I just sneak to the kitchen at midnight. I take a seat on the edge of the bed and quickly do a spell on the book written in Parseltongue. The words translate into Greek so I can read them fast enough before I have to meet Hermione to do the rest of the project. About ten minutes pass when I realize I have to go. I take the stairs to the fourth floor and walk inside the study room. Hermione was already there, writing some stuff with a quill like she's living 19th century. I take a seat in front of her, and she looks up from her paper and frowns.

"You're late" she says as she hands me the stuff. She continued writing and frowning at the paper. I really try to concentrate but I can't with the sound of the quill hitting the paper. Fifteen minutes pass and I'm staring at the quill. Hermione takes a deep breath and looks up again from her paper.

"Are you just going to sit there and do nothing?" She questioned.

"Why do you write with a quill?" I asked. She gives me a puzzled look, so I give one back.

"Everyone writes with a quill." She stated.

"Yeah, but why? Like you do know pens are a thing, right?"

She shrugs at me. "I don't know why; we just use them"

I grab a pen out (not riptide btw) and give it to her. "Try it it'll change your life" I say. She grabs the pen out of my hand and looks at it weirdly, like she's never used them before. She shrugs at me again.

"Are you actually going to help me out or do I have to ask Umbridge for another partner?" She puts the pen down, grabs the quill and continued writing. I take a handful of the papers she gave me and give them to her.

"I already finished my part" I say. She stops writing as I get out of my seat and leave.

The next day there was a quidditch game between two of the houses, so during the day everyone was freaking out and screaming their houses names. It kind of made me wish I had been sorted into one. While everyone is getting ready for the game, I'm heading to the second-floor girls' lavatory, where the entrance to the chamber is. I'm not planning to open it yet; I just need to see it for myself. The bathroom is located just above the great hall so I can hear the distant chatters of everyone.

Quickly, I open the door and enter. The bathroom is very gloomy, with cracked spotty mirrors and chipped stone sinks. The doors to the cubicles are flaking and scratched, and the damp floor is only dully reflected by stubs of candles.

"Hello there!" A girl screams. I jump at the sound of her voice and put my hand in my pocket to hold riptide. Just in case.

Her ghost comes out of the second stall and trust me I'm used to seeing ghost but this was just on another level of creepy. She has black straight hair, thick brown glasses and is smiling at me.

"Hello I'm myrtle!" she says.

I take my hand out of my pocket and let go of riptide.

"Hi." I say simply.

I walk to the sinks and look at them from below, they all look similar to me.

"What are you doing Percy Jackson?" Myrtle says.

I pause and peer intently at her.

"How do you know my name?" I ask.

She floats away from me and giggles really loudly. "Girls gossip you know" she chirps, and laughs again

Before I can ask her what she means by that, I hear the sound of footsteps outside of the door. I run to the nearest stall and hide, while Myrtle enters a toilet.

"I just don't understand why we have to do this." Ron says, Hermione and Harry following behind him.

"I just know he's up to no good, he's planning something." Says Harry as he grabs a potion out of his bag.

"He's really not that bad you know" Hermione chimes in.

"He is the bloody grandson of Voldemort being evil is in his blood!" Harry takes a deep breath, and I can see Myrtle at the top of the toilet spying on them too.

"Is it ready?" Ron asks.

"Yeah, everything looks good, but are we really sure about this? If someone find out, we brewed Veritaserum we will get in so much trouble" Hermione questions. I remember Snape talking about the potion, it's a truth serum, it basically forces the drinker to speak the truth. 

 Yeah, I'm in trouble. 

Strange Ties--Percy Jackson/Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now