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"Why are you so jealous?!"Barney shouted while pacing back and forth around the room

"Because you're always with them! I'm always left alone here!" You shouted back tears starting to build up in your eyes

"They're my friends!" Barney yelled its head snapping to your direction

"And I'm your partner! Your 3 YEARS partner! Am I not important?..."You cried out, voice softening at the last sentence

Barney didn't say anything, it just stared at you with an unreadable expression so you continued

"You've gone out with your friends more than you've been with me for 3 whole months...Do you not want me anymore..?"

Finally, you saw a familiar expression appear on Barney's face, shock. It's probably shocked because you knew the exact reason why it's distancing itself from you-

Suddenly you felt a V-shaped furry thing land on your cheek, absorbing the tears now falling from your eyes and dripping down your chin

"Dinobabes..."Barney said in a soft voice, caressing your hair and then hugged you

"I do still want you, I just needed their advice on something.."

"Why don't you ask me??"

"Because you're in the 'something"

You pulled away from the hug but still held onto barney

"Are you planning on breaking up with me?" You asked looking up slightly

"No! Oh, dinosaurs no! Look, how about I do that thing I need advice for now?" Barney answered rubbing your cheeks one more time before dropping its hands to its side

You looked to your right where a window was located and scoffed

"Don't lie, Barney, I'm not a fragile vase that you need to be careful with, alri-" As you were gonna finish your sentence, you glanced at Barney only to find it kneeling on the ground in front of you, holding a purple box with possibly the most gorgeous ring ever

You slammed your palm to your mouth as tears built up in your eyes again but for a different reason this time

"Reader, I'm quite upset that we didn't do this on the beach as I planned but it's okay because anytime is the perfect time for this. Reader, I love you so much, I want to protect you from the world and I want you to parent my future kids with me. So Reader, will you marry me?" Barney babbled, panting slightly.

You removed your hand from your mouth

"If I say yes will I get a million dollars?" You half-joked

Barney chuckled "Only for you my Quing" Barney replied, smiling

"Then it's a yes!" You shrieked going in to hug Barney but Barney held out a hand

"Wait, let me put this ring on you first," Barney said, grabbing your left hand in a swift motion, you nodded staring at Barney affectionately, as it gently took out the ring from the box

As Barney was about to put the ring on your ring finger, there was a sudden bang, and Barney flopped onto the floor

Your eyes widen in shock and fear



With A Bang|Barney x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now