Chapter XI: NightHowl

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That night, Audrey and the new wolves were shown to their huts where they would be staying. The huts were like log cabins, and rather small where you would open the door, and there was only a bed, a bedside table, and a chest. The next morning, the ritual continued because they could not finish the ritual the day before with the explosion, only every new wolf was wearing clothing that looked like Alicia's. The general had to finish the ritual.

"Now, after a full night of rest, I'm sure you will be ready for your training. During the night, some wolves have volunteered to be personal mentors to each of you. Would the volunteers please step forward?"

Alicia, Eric, and a few other wolves stepped forward.

"Now," the general continued, "These wolves will be with you for the next few months. They will teach you how to behave, how to use your powers, and most importantly, how to turn into a wolf. Now, volunteers, please go to your assigned trainee, and start the process."

Alicia went over to Audrey. Audrey was glad that her mentor was someone who she already knew.

"Now, are there any questions before we start?" Alicia asked

"I have two questions," Audrey said.

"Ask away."

"First of all, how did you get a P.A. system hooked up here?"

"That's an easy question. The portals give off a certain type of energy that you can't get on earth, a sort of powerful energy."

"And second, how did you put out the fire?"

"I thought you would ask me that. Along with turning into a wolf, we are given powers. I was given water powers, that's how I put the fire out."

"That makes sense."

"Any other questions?" Alicia asked.

"Nope, none," Audrey responded.

"Then we can start the process," Alicia stated, "First, we must go to your hut."

Audrey and Alicia went to Audrey's hut. When they got inside, Alicia unrolled a mat next to Audrey's bed.

"May I ask why you're placing a mat down beside my bed?" Audrey asked.

"We need to meditate to get you in a relaxed state of mind."

Audrey and Alicia sat on the mat in a meditative position.

"Now, close your eyes, and breathe."

They remained to meditate for not only a few minutes but a week. They spent a week, still, silent, relaxed.

"Are you feeling relaxed?" Alicia finally asked.

"Yes, I am."

"I believe we've done enough meditation."

They both opened their eyes and left the hut.

Audrey looked at the meeting hall and remembered the explosion. At least the village started to rebuild.

"Now, you will turn into your wolf state."

Audrey nodded her head ready to do whatever she had to, even put her life in Alicia's hands.

"This took me a couple of tries, so don't worry if it takes you a few days. Now, to change into a wolf, you'll have to believe you can. Hold onto your tattoo, close your eyes, and believe. Eventually, you won't have to hold onto your tattoo, but be able to do it on command."

Audrey tried a couple of times for the next few days, but couldn't seem to get it right. She then decided to take a break. She walked through the village and looked at the meeting hall. She asked herself:

"Could this be the warning the mysterious caller was talking about? Could this attack be from The Red Wolves?"

She then remembered thinking that something was amiss at the Ritual. Audrey decided to leave the village to look for clues,

"Audrey, Wait!" Alicia yelled.

The general stopped Alicia.

"She'll find her wolf form." The general told Alicia.

Audrey continued to look for clues and saw something notable. On a tree, just north of the village, there was a symbol of a wolf, but it wasn't the symbol for The Lost Wolves, this symbol was... different. Instead of it being silverish paint inside of the wolf, it was red paint. She then knew: This was the symbol for the Red Wolves, the attack is now confirmed to be from them. Something didn't feel right about this, she felt again like she was being watched, she heard footsteps behind her. She ran back towards the village, but the footsteps weren't getting any farther away, they were getting closer. She ran as fast as she could, hand covering her tattoo, with her eyes closed, as Alicia had said. Then all went silent. All she heard was her breath. She opened her eyes, and all she saw was darkness. She saw a white wolf in the distance. She followed her, and eventually caught up. She closed her eyes again and opened them. Her momentum was much stronger than before, she eventually outran the person following her. When she made it back to the village, she took a breath. Alicia ran over to her, although she was much taller before.

"Alicia, why are you so tall?" She asked.

She then realized it. 

"I'm a Wolf!"

Audrey turned back to her human form and looked upon the hilltop which was southwest of where the Ritual took place. She saw the same black wolf from the ritual. She and the wolf locked eyes for about a minute, then the wolf walked away.

Call of The Wolf Part 1/3: The Lost WolvesWhere stories live. Discover now