Chapter 2

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"Are we actually snowed in?" I ask, excitement filling my voice. I'd always kind of hoped this would happen. I wasn't fond of the situation, though.

"No, what gives you that idea?" Cassie remarks sarcastically, but not in a nice way. "Of course we're snowed in. We can't drive anywhere, it's probably too cold to walk anywhere, and the snow is supposed to fall all night and for the next few days so by morning, we might not even be able to open the door." She finishes, breathing hard, and I just stare at her.

"Are you okay?" I ask timidly.

"No! I didn't want to stay late and yet here we are! And not to mention I'm stuck here with you!" Cassie yells. Her words seem to physically slap me and I step back in shock.

All day, I had tried to be nice to her and yet no matter what I did, she still hated me. For no apparent reason. I was done being nice.

"You think it's my fault we're here late? You are the one that wanted to stay! You're stuck here with me, yeah, but I'll stay out of your way." I say coldly, throwing up my hands in surrender as I walk backwards towards the café.

Cassie looks like she's about to say something, and I see regret written all over her face, but I don't wait for her response. I turn my back to her and walk away. Once in the café, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I'd finally stood up to her. That felt good. But now the adrenaline was fading, and I was hungry, so it only made sense that I started to shake.

The fridge is surprisingly stocked, and I grab a bagel with cream cheese, a sandwich, and a water bottle before heading back upstairs. At least we won't starve here if we're here for more than a day. Which isn't likely. I think.

I don't see Cassie on the way back up, and she's not in the room when I get there, but her stuff still is.

Where did she go?

I brush the thought from my mind and set my food down before continuing with our work. Might as well get it done while we're stuck here.

After a while of working, I glance at my watch and I'm surprised to see it's already 10:00.

Where is Cassie?

Finding her was probably a good idea, especially since I didn't really want to be alone here all night. I throw my trash away on the way out the door, and start checking the other rooms on the floor. All are empty, and colder than the one we'd been occupying. I think I remembered hearing that the heat shut off after 10, and that thought wasn't comforting.

"Cassie?" I call out, hoping she answers. I didn't want to check the other floors. Empty desks are my only answer. I drop my head back in frustration and stare at the ceiling a moment before starting towards the stairs. She wasn't downstairs earlier, so I decided to check the upper floors first. On the fifth floor, I finally find her.

Cassie sits on a big couch with her legs crossed beneath her. An empty bag of chips and part of a sandwich sit on the couch beside her, and I'm oddly relieved to know that she ate. She has her notebook propped on one leg as she writes, and I guess she had grabbed it when I was still downstairs getting food. I was pretty sure she was avoiding me.

"Hey..." I say hesitantly. She glances up, and I see something flash in her eyes. Regret is there, mixed with... sadness?

"Hey." She replies before standing.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I was just... avoiding you."

Oh. She's blunt.

"Oh. Look, I'm sorry for being..."

Cassie cuts me off. "No, you don't need to apologize. I need to. Again." She gives a little laugh. "I'm sorry that you're the target of all my anger and frustration today. I don't know what's going on with me, but you don't deserve it. So I figured it was better to stay out of your way."

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