Chapter 7

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A/N: Heads up, this chapter is the beginning of the smut:) I'll keep posting warnings at the beginning of each chapter that contains sexual content... enjoy;)

I didn't go looking for Cassie this time. I knew these feelings for her weren't going anywhere, but I was done playing this back and forth game. I was pretty sure she felt the same for me, but I wasn't going to keep trying if she gave nothing in return. It was hell for me, though. All I wanted to do was find her and apologize even though I know I did nothing wrong.

With the afternoon at my disposal, I decided to go work out. I started out bundled up in two sweatshirts and my blanket, but quickly moved down to just one sweatshirt. My core is the focus today since I can't use my hand and by the time I finish, I know I'll feel it in the morning. It's a good soreness, though. But then I remember that working out means sweat, and sweat means stinky. I needed to shower.

Hopefully the pipes haven't frozen yet...

I get to the gym and let out a breath of relief when the shower turns on, just as hot as ever. Boiling water for a shower wasn't something I wanted to deal with yet. I gave myself a thorough shower, keeping my injured hand away from the water. It makes it more than a little difficult, but I manage. It's not like I wanted to ask Cassie for help with this. Or anything, for that matter. I could take care of myself.

After my shower, I put together a quick late lunch for myself consisting of an apple, a jar of peanut butter, and a sandwich. I consider taking it back up to the room, but don't want to risk running into Cassie just yet, so I eat it alone in the cafe, bundled under my sweatshirts and blanket. My hair, still wet from my shower, seems to freeze in the cold cafeteria air. The thought crosses my mind to put it up in a bun, but then I remember my injured hand.

Ha. So much for taking care of myself.

On the walk back up to the room, I look out the windows. Or rather, try to look out. The snow had covered the entire window length and then some, but I would need to be on the second floor to see just how deep it was now.

It's pretty damn deep. From the view on the second floor, it looks to be at least 12 or 13 feet, and it's not slowing down. Snow continues to fall, the flakes as thick as they were the first day. I can only see a few feet in front of the window, but it doesn't look like a soul is out there.

The sun seems to be setting, although it's hard to tell for sure with all the snow making everything a continuous grey or white color. A glance at my watch confirms my suspicion though, and I see that it's a little after 5pm.

I remember this feeling from when I was a child, where I would be bored with nothing to do, and then I'd think about how bored I was and the fact that there was nothing to do, and I would feel the bored-ness deep in my stomach. That's how I felt now. It was too early to go to bed, I'd already worked out and showered. What else could I do?

Besides find Cassie. I tell the little voice in my head. For once, it doesn't reply. Time to work on the manuscript, I guess.

One thing I absolutely hate is doing work outside of office hours. But there was literally nothing else that I could think of to entertain myself. I couldn't even build a snowman because there's too much damn snow!

Oh great, now I'm getting angry over not being able to build a snowman.

Somehow, I managed to force myself to work on the manuscript until 8:00. Cassie had thankfully left her notes here, and I went through them to see what she had done so far. And when I finished for the day, I left my notes in case she wanted to do the same. We were supposed to be working on it together, after all.

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