Chapter 12

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"You ready for this?"

"No. But you're right, we have to do it."

I kiss Cassie quickly, pushing the thought that it's our last kiss from my mind. I would do everything in my power to make sure it wasn't our last kiss.

"Okay. We're tied together, but we need to stay a few feet apart to make sure we don't fall through the snow. I think the snow is even harder today because of the rain last night, and the drop in temperature today. If there is a perfect time to go, it's now." I try to sound reassuring, but even I can hear the uncertainty in my voice.

"Okay. Let's go." Cassie says. I climb out the window first and stand on the small ledge while Cassie climbs out. I've got two of the backpacks on while she has one. She wanted to be the one to carry it, but there's now way I'd put her in danger of being heavier and falling through when this was all my idea.

The snow cleared up a lot this morning, with only a small dusting of flakes currently falling from the sky. The clouds on the horizon looked much darker, and I knew the storm was coming back. But we had some time, and that was all we needed.

Our destination is about five blocks away, and I can see it clearly now. Smoke still flows from the chimney, and I try not to get my hopes up too much. We still had to make it there. We begin walking, taking slow, small, careful steps. The snow is much harder today, but it still crunches unsettlingly with each step, since there's a soft three or so inches on top of the hard snow.

Everything seems to be going okay despite the cold starting to seep in when Cassie's soft voice calls out. "Ava? I think the soft snow is making my cardboard wet..."

"Shit. Okay, is it bad yet?"

"No, still sturdy. Just the bottom layer feels slightly spongy."

"Okay. We're about halfway there, just let me know if it gets worse."


I quicken the pace slightly, feeling worry seeping into my bones along with the cold.

I should've made extra shoes or something!

Now wasn't the time to yell at myself, though. I needed to focus and get Cassie safely to the building. That was all that mattered.

"Ava, I'm kind of worried." Cassie calls out, and I turn slowly towards her. "They're all soggy now..."

"Okay... let me think... are they sinking?"

"Yeah... they have been for a minute. I just didn't want to worry you."

I give a short laugh. "I am already worried, Cass. I didn't want anything to happen to you but I didn't know what else to do, and now the shoes are failing."

"This isn't your fault." Cassie says calmly, and I look up to find her eyes locked on mine. "You are amazing for trying to help us. Don't say any of this is your fault."

"But what if we don't make it?"

"We'll make it. Keep going now, okay? I'll tell you when it gets worse."

I tried not to focus on the fact that she said 'when' and not 'if'. If her snowshoes failed completely and she ended up falling through, what would I do? I tried to think through things I could do, but didn't have the chance as I hear the gasp behind me. I turn quickly in time to see Cassie's wide eyes on mine just before she plunges below the snow.

"Cassie!" I scream. I nearly make the mistake of running forward and falling through myself, but catch myself just in time. The rope didn't pull me forward when she fell, so she must not be too deep.

I make it over to the hole she made and scoot as close to the edge as I dare. I let out a relieved sigh when I see her looking up at me. "Are you okay?" I breathe.

"I'm okay. I don't think I can get out, Ava."

"There has to be something... maybe I can pull you like you pulled me?"

"No. We can't risk you falling in too. Ava... you have to keep going. Come back for me."

"I'm not going to leave you."

"I'm not asking. There's no way I'm getting out of here unless you get more help. Please, Ava."

"I can't leave you, Cass." I say, and my voice breaks. "I can't."

"I need you to. You have to get help, Ava. I'll be okay."

I'm absolutely torn. The thought of leaving Cassie here, alone, cold in the snow, does not sound like a good idea at all. But what else could I do?

"You have to go now, before your shoes do the same thing."

"Okay." I say finally. "I'll get help and be right back."

"I love you, Ava."

"Don't say that like you're saying goodbye. This isn't goodbye." I say, my voice thick.

"Okay. Go." Cassie says. I turn quickly, brushing the tears from my eyes once I'm out of sight. I had to get help.

I walk as quickly as I can without putting myself at risk of falling in, and before I know it, I'm right outside the building. I walk around it slowly, trying all of the windows. They're all locked.

"Shit. Come on!" I yell. I start knocking while trying to look inside. Frost and snow cover the glass, making it nearly impossible to see in. This must be the second floor, and I could only hope that someone was up here. I knocked as loud as I could until I thought my hand would fall off. It was so cold.

I'd nearly given up when finally, I hear the click of a lock. The window slides open and I let out a cry of relief as a face comes into view. He looks confused and almost like he doesn't believe that I'm there. I almost don't believe it, either.

"Please," I gasp. "I need help. My friend, she fell through, we have to get her out." I'm rambling, and the confusion on his face is replaced by urgency and determination.

"Where is she?" He asks. He has a deep voice, one that I like, and I suddenly find myself focusing on only that. My head feels fuzzy, and I know I'm supposed to be telling him something. "Where is your friend?" He asks again, helping me through the window.

"She's over there..." I point in the direction that we came from, and he pulls a pair of binoculars from around his neck before scanning the snow in front of us for a moment.

"Kent! Kent, get up here and bring Cal. Get the dogs, too. Jenny!" A blonde, thin woman appears beside him. "Jenny, she's going to pass out any second now. Help her to a bed." As he says those words, my vision starts fading out. "We'll get your friend." Those are the final words I hear before everything fades to black.

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