Chapter 13

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When I open my eyes, it takes me a few minutes to remember everything that happened in the past... however long it's been.

How long have I been out?

I move my eyes around to take in my surroundings. My head is pounding, so I don't try to sit up. I'm in a white room, and the first thing I notice is how warm it is. Crackling sounds reach my ears, and I turn my head to find a fire burning a few feet away from me. A small boy sits in front of it reading a book. He glances up and his eyes widen when he sees me staring, and he scurries out of the room.

Several minutes pass before he reappears with a woman by his side.

"You're awake." She says, and I recognize her as Jenny.

"How long was I out?" I ask. My voice is scratchy like I haven't used it in days.

"Two days." She says before setting a tray on the small table beside my bed. "Take these." She places two pills in my hand and helps me drink. "Do you think you can stand?"

"I think so." I say. She helps me to my feet and I suddenly remember the question I'd been needing to ask. "My friend... is she... is she okay?"

Jenny doesn't say anything for a moment. "Come with me."

She leads me from the room, into another, smaller room. More people are in this one, and two of them stand beside a bed. I recognize Cassie instantly, and it takes everything in me to not run to her side.

"Cass," I gasp, my voice breaking. "Is she okay?" I ask the two men by her bed. Her eyes are closed, but I see her chest rising and falling quickly, and let out a breath of relief.

"Come sit, please." One man says, and I follow him over to another bed.

"What is this place?" I ask, glancing around the small room again.

"A clinic. It's lucky you came to us, we have stuff that can help you both."

"So she's okay?"

"She will be. It will take some time, but she'll be okay." He says, and I feel relief course through me again.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. You didn't have to help, and I probably sounded crazy but... thank you."

"You're welcome. I'm Jeremiah, and this is Cal, and Jenny who you've met. What building did you come from?"

"York Ave. We stayed late one night and ended up getting snowed in, and we were running low on food and saw the smoke from your fire and figured this was our best shot. Oh, I'm Ava. And that's Cassie." I say quickly. "How did you get her out of the snow?"

"Cal wasn't with us at the beginning. He has sled dogs and a sled and was going around to anyone he could and found us yesterday. It's lucky he was here when you got here. We used the dogs to get your friend out. The storm is coming back for the final wave, so it was just in time, too."

"How do you know it's the final wave?"

"Did you guys not have a radio?" He asks, and I shake my head. "They've been keeping us updated for most of the time. Not many people are out, only the crazy ones," He nods his head in Cal's direction with a chuckle. "After this final wave, they're sending out whoever they can. It's way worse than we thought, I don't know how you made it over to us safely."

I glance over at Cassie again and feel my heart shift. Only one of us made it safely, but luckily Cassie would be okay.

"Would you like some soup?" Jenny asks me softly.

"Yes, please. That would be wonderful."

"Follow me." I stand and move carefully after the thin woman as she leads me into what I assume is the kitchen. A large steaming pot sits on the stove, filled to the brim with delicious smelling soup. "We're also a soup kitchen." Jenny says with a small laugh. "Luckily, we had ingredients here that will last a while, if needed. I just wish we could help more people."

I hear a deep sadness in her voice, and know she must be thinking about the people she usually feeds, and how they must be doing.

"Thank you. For the soup, and for helping us. We didn't know what else to do..."

"It's no problem. We would help anyone we could, we are just glad you made it to us. Now, eat up. You need your strength back."


I'd been sitting by Cassie's bed for a few hours when she finally blinks open her eyes. "Ava." She breathes. I sigh with relief and grasp her hand gently.

"Cass. you're awake."

"You got help. I knew you would."

"I did. I'm so glad you're okay. How are you feeling?"

"Warm. I'm feeling warm and good. Thanks to you."

"It's definitely not thanks to me. I nearly got you killed."

"Ava, stop. The only reason we're alive is because of you. We wouldn't have lasted much longer had we stayed in the office. You saved my life." She carefully reaches up to brush a tear from my eyes. "Are there dogs here? I had the strangest dream about sled dogs." She says, and I laugh.

"Yes. That's how they got you out. A man here has sled dogs."

"Ooh! Do you think I can see them?"

"I'm sure you can." A voice from the door says, and we look up to see Jeremiah. "It's good to see you awake. We were really worried for a minute there."

"You must be the reason I'm here, instead of sleeping in the snow." Cassie says with a warm smile. "Thank you for helping us." Jeremiah nods.

"Cal is going to stay with us until the storm blows over, and then he'll head out to help however he can. You two are welcome to stay as long as you need. And the dogs would love some company if you want to go say hi." He says with a smile before leaving the room.

"Can we?" Cassie asks, excitement evident in her voice.

"You don't want to rest more?" I say with a laugh.

"Nope, I'm perfectly fine. I love dogs." She smiles and I giggle before kissing her.

"Sure. Let's go find some puppies!"

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