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"They're not going to think it's way too soon?"

"No. Considering the circumstances, it's just in time." I brush a kiss against Cassie's lips, and feel her relax.

It had been two weeks since we'd gotten out of the snow. No one had been able to go anywhere for Christmas or New years, but I wasn't too sad. Cassie and I had spent Christmas in my apartment cuddled under blankets beside the fire, watching movies, playing games and... other things. It had been absolutely perfect.

We'd hopped on a plane this morning and flown to California for a late Christmas. And boy, was I happy to be in the sunshine and warm weather. Most of the snow had finally melted back home, but there was still a good amount. But we could go places and do things now.

The feeling of loss was there as well. So many lives had been lost. Those who hadn't had the chance to get somewhere safe before there was too much snow. Those who had somewhere safe, but who had run out of food. Those who had been alone and lost any motivation to hold on. I was so thankful yet again, that I had had Cassie.

James had been a little upset when I'd told him I didn't want to see him again. Apparently he was more attached than I had thought. He'd understood, though, considering the circumstances. He was at least relieved I hadn't ghosted him. I was relieved that he had survived the snowfall with his two roommates.

I'd told Mr. Benson that Cassie deserved the promotion, but she had declined. I'd gotten mad, and then he'd given both of us promotions. Apparently there had been two all along. I wasn't mad anymore. Cassie had only laughed about the whole thing, and I'd soon joined her. He was just happy that we'd survived in the building without heat for so long, and didn't care about the food and supplies we'd used. Or the broken door. Thankfully, Mr. Benson was a very understanding boss and knew that a broken door in order to get blankets to stay warm was definitely necessary in our situation. He had it fixed within the week, anyway.

"They'll love you. Okay? You don't need to worry, I'll stay by your side."

"I love you." Cassie says, and I kiss her once more before pushing open the door to my family's home.

My sister Ella sees me first and jumps up from the couch, pulling me into a tight embrace. "You're alive! You're here! Thank God!" I just laugh and squeeze her back.

"It's good to see you, Ella. How are the kids?"

"So good. They're excited to hear about your adventure! You must be Cassie." Ella says, quickly pulling Cassie into a less tight embrace. Cassie seems surprised to be hugging at all, but she returns the hug after a moment. "Thank you for keeping our girl safe." Ella says.

"If anything, she kept me safe. She's the reason we made it out at all."

"She tends to do that." I hear a deep voice to my left and turn to see Justin, my oldest brother. "Hey, kiddo."

"Hey, Justin!" I embrace him quickly, and then move to my other brother Matthew. I'd always been closer to Matthew, but I wasn't about to tell him that. Couldn't have him getting an even bigger ego. "I'm so glad you're all here." I say to my siblings. "Where are Mom and Dad?"

"Out back setting the table. They should be in any minute now." As Ella says this, the back door bursts open and all the little kids run in just in front of my parents.

"Aunt Ava! You finally came!" They all scream at once and I can't help but laugh.

"Ava, glad you finally decided to dig yourselves out and join the family." My dad says. "You must be Cassie." He shakes her hand, and my mom pulls her into a hug. To Cassie, it might seem like my family was joking off the whole snowed in thing. But they weren't, really. We'd had a family group call as soon as the cell services were back up, and I'd learned just how worried they'd been when they'd heard the news. No one had known where I was, that I'd stayed late, or even just how bad the snow was. They'd feared the worst. Now we joked, because joking was how my family coped, unfortunately. But I loved it anyway.

"I've heard a lot about you, Cassie. I'm glad Ava finally came to her senses and realized her feelings for you." My mother says.

"Mom!" I gasp, but everyone just laughs. "Oh my God." I grumble, and then laugh.

"We really are glad you both are here. Healthy and alive. I can't imagine what you must've gone through."

"We're glad, too. As hard as it was, I wouldn't trade it for the world." I say softly with a smile in Cassie's direction. I was so excited for the future that I could finally see with her after all this time.

Things had finally worked out, and I couldn't be happier. I'd found love with someone I thought could only be an enemy. Having her by my side was all that mattered now, and I knew she felt the same.

"Let's go eat." I say with a smile before taking Cassie's hand and following my family out the door.

A/N- 1/3/22: I cut this book a little bit shorter than I wanted to, but I think it will be worth it:) I hope you all enjoyed! Keep an eye out on the 5th for the first chapter of When Summer Ends!

Thank you for the votes and comments on this book! It was such a fun one to write, especially since it's snowing where I'm at currently haha. Although I would not love getting snowed into my work lol. 

I love you all! <3

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