Without you

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"I had to be without you already. I can't take this another time"

George slowly woke up, because his sleep got interrupted by something tickling his nose.

"Dream, noo", he begged and turned around to the other side, as he suddenly heard the door of the bedroom open.

The weight on the bed shifted on the other side fastly.

"Patchy! Don't wake him up you stupid cat", a voice called from there, but it didn't belong to George's boyfriend at all.

He heard steps coming closer and he decided to shot his head up, which caused his vision to blurry slightly.

"Uh?", George asked confused and as his eyes adjusted again, he saw Sapnap carrying the tabby-cat, which apparently had been on the bed before.

"Oh, sorry man. Didn't mean to wake you", he shurgged his shoulder and apologized, placing the cat on the ground right after he said that.

George stretched himself a little, meanwhile Sapnap was coming closer and sat down on one of the edges of the bed.

"Are you okay?", the light brown haired boy asked George, who nodded as a response.

He looked a bit tired, but George remembered that Sapnap was awake late at night too, so he kind of could guess where those came from.

"Do you want a glass of water?", the slightly smaller one asked.

"No, I'm fine", George smiled at the other one who looked very worried.

It was probably because of what happened yesterday.

"Where's Dream?" the brunette asked after a short break of silence.

"Not here", he answered and fiddled with the strings of his red hoodie, "how about you get ready and we'll eat breakfast?", Sapnap added the question.

"Sure", George nodded fastly and after Sapnap went outside, he made himself ready to go.

He decided to wear one of Dream's hoodies today, because they were always comfy and Dream can't stop him right now.

With a smile, George headed into the kitchen, where Sapnap already sipped coffee out of his mug.

"Thanks for making me coffee, Sap", he wanted to get his attention, because he had been staring blankly at the mug where Dream usually drank out of.

Because there was no answer, he just sat down on the chair in front of him.

'How can I light up this mans mood? Does he have a hangover?', he playfully rolled his eyes at these thoughts.

"Sooo, how long will you stay at our place? Maybe we could do something together?", George smiles brightly and tried everything to make him smile.

Hopefully he didn't went through a breakup?

"No", he answered plain and didn't have a caring voice like before anymore.

Sincerely, the other me | DNFWhere stories live. Discover now