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Sunny rays reached to lick the sky with their wispy tongues the last streaks of light tried in vain not to disappear over the horizon. Leo's last goodbye was tonight, the Hephestus cabin had chosen sunset as the time to burn Leo's shroud. Sunset was full of flames just like Leo is... was.
        "Nice. Perfect for Leo." Said Frank, coming up behind me and pulling me into a hug. Gods I love him.
        "Yeah but really, 'repair boy'?" Said a familiar voice from behind us. As a reflex Frank turned around protecting me with his body. I tried to see around him, the voice was so familiar. All of a sudden Frank stood rigid, as if he had seen a ghost. Which in this case he had.
         "Leo?" He asked incredulously, " b b b-but how?" Hearing Leo's name I instantly jumped out from behind Frank. Could it be?
          "You really think a giant, all powerful, earth Goddess could defeat me?" Leo said with his signature sarcasm.
          "But Nico felt you pass out of this world. And the physicians cure was lost in the battle." I chimed in.
          "Do not fret my friend, all shall be explained, but first let's add a little bang to this shroud burning. And off we went to help our friend crash his own funeral.

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