[Hot Chocolate]

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Yelena's POV

Our faces were inches away as our breathes mixed. She was intoxicating. Soon enough though the gap began to close as her breath touched my lip, "Kate!", someone then shouted from the hall as we both bolted up.

I cleared my throat while dusting off my clothes, "You should uh- probably go see who that is", I looked at her as she smiled and nodded then walking out off the door. I sighed heavily as I fell on my bed, She wanted too. The way she had her arms by either side of my head as she steadied herself, her cheeks red again from the 'wind'. The way her eyes darted from my eyes to my lips. That girl, Kate Bishop, clouded my mind I hadn't realised I have laid there for an extra 20 minutes. I smirked as I got up and headed back to the elevator then to the lounge, the room had everyone in it. Wanda, Peter, Nat, Kate, Tony and Steve sat on the sofa, Clint reading something in the kitchen, Bucky and Sam playing something at the table. "What are you reading?", I asked Clint as I moved into the kitchen stealing someone's untouched hot chocolate on the side.

"Not sure", He turned to me, "That was Kate's", He points at the cup and I shrug sipping at it when someone stood behind me.

I turned and met the eyes of Kate, "Can I have my hot chocolate?"

"Sure, machine's over there", I pointed and walked past her, "Darling", I whispered and took the same spot on the sofa as earlier, next to Nat. Everyone was having a chat as I drank my stolen hot chocolate.

"You really stole her hot chocolate?", Steve turned to me as did Sam. I shrugged and he shook his head.

"Well you want to me throw it back up, so I can un-steal it?", I asked Nat laughing beside me.

"I don't think we ever gave that car back", Nat turned her head while scratching her chin, "Did you?"

"Pfft, what do you think?", I looked at her, "That car got it's door taken off, windscreen shattered and practically blown up. So no, I left it.", She only rolled her eyes going back down to her crossword puzzle thing.

"What do you mean, it got 'practically blown up'?", Bucky said making a action with his hands, "What'd you two do."

I shrug and point at Nat, "For the record she came too me so it was all her fault", This earned me a blow to the arm, "It was...", I grumbled.

Kate then walks over with a new cup of hot chocolate, "Oo-oh, me and Clint did something like that", Clint groaned from the kitchen rubbing his head, "Except we impaled a car..."

"Ok, why have you all blow up, wrecked and impaled cars!", Steve then shot up, his eyes were clumped together with a stern frown.

"If he doesn't want to be bothered by Alexie he better stop asking question", Nat mumbles to me her head still down as she chewed on the pen lid. I let out a quiet laugh and hop over the sofa.

"Where ya going?", Tony asked, "I'm amused by this dynamic."

I rolled my eyes and stated, "I got something to do", And head down to my room. As I entered Fanny ran over to her little bed by my desk and sat, chewing on some toy. "FRIDAY?", I waited for the creepy-ass voice to answer with a yes, "Where's a place that serves hot chocolate?"

"Ms. Belova, there is a small coffee shop about 10 minutes from here. They serve many beverages, including hot chocolate", I hum at the response and ask for the name, "Caitlin's Coffee Corner." A smile spreads on my lips as I ruffle Fanny's fur and put out a piece of paper.

Kate's POV

"For the record, Clint told me to do it", I put my hands up in surrender as Clint rolls his eyes with a sigh. I'm pretty sure Natasha gave Clint a approving look, I can't read her face- emotions. If you call them that.

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