The Ex Ch.1

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Roy:Larry if you don't-
Ludwig:What's all the commotion!?
Iggy:*Giggles* Did something crazy hap-
Lemmy:Heard screaming in here...
Wendy:What's going on he-OH MY GOSH!!!!
(They all stared in shock at a bruised and beatened up Regina)
Larry:Mom!! What Happened!!
Regina:An accident happened...
Lemmy:Come on now you don't have to lie to us.
Wendy:I'm not the type of person who be into this, but that doesn't look like an accident.
Morton:Who Hurt Lady!!?
Larry:You can tell us...
Lemmy:Yeah! You can trust us...
Iggy:No? Why not?
Roy:Stop Screaming!!(he holds Regina bridal style)
Wendy:What are we gonna do!?
Ludwig:I'll go get the first aid kit, you guys take her to the couch.
Roy:...(he carries Regina to the couch and places her on it)
Larry:Whoever did this is so dead...
Iggy:I'm sure they'll 'get along' with my Chain Chomps!!
Lemmy:Chain Chomps!? Why not bombs!?
Morton:Morton Fury!!
Wendy:Can we stoo talking about brawn for once!?
Larry:We can't just let this go!
Wendy:I don't like this either, but shouldn't we focus on her side of the story?
Iggy:*Laughs* Focus on what!? Someone hurt her!
Wendy:She never said that!!
Lemmy:If I'm not mentioned the marks didn't seem like an accident...
Wendy:It was a suggestion!
Iggy:That's didn't seem like it!
Wendy:Can you please shut up!?
Morton:Lady Wakes Up Now
Regina:*Whimpers* My head hurts...
Larry:Would some Ice help?
Morton:Morton Promise To Avenge!!
Ludwig:Can you guys please use brain not brawn? (He arrives with the first aid kit)
Wendy:Thank You!
Roy:Shut Up!!!
Ludwig:Whatever...Lemmy help me with the bandages...

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