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" Bismillah "

Lafaz aku dengan Adrian sebelum mengetuk pintu bilik Pn. Maria. Adrian memandang aku dengan ketakutan

" Hannah kau pregnant mesti cepat sensitive kan ? Soo jangan risau aku ada untuk back up kau nanti " kata Adrian bersemangat.

" Awww tq Adrian. Tak pe mesti hal-- "

" Come in " kata Pn. Maria membuatkan kitaorang terkebil-kebil. Kemudian aku mengeluh. Pintu bilik dibuka dan aku masuk , di ikuti dengan Adrian dekat belakang

" Hannah , Adrian please sit " kerusi yang berada dihadapan meja Pn. Maria kitaorang duduk

Pn. Maria memandang kitaorang atas bawah sambil mencebik kecil. Aku rasa tak sedap hati pasal ni

Hurmm orang pregnant memang senang rasa tk sedap hati eeh ? Takut lahh ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ

" Kamu berdua tahu kenapa saya panggil kesini ? " Soal Pn. Maria seraya itu aku dengan Adrian segera mengeleng

Pn. Maria mengeluh perlahan

" Let me start with you Adrian. You know that you have been skipped my class lately. So did you have any reasonable excuse ? "

" Yes I have. My mother was sick so I have to return home , and take a look for her " kata Adrian dengan yakin.

Aku memandang Adrian dengan mata yang bersinar. Anak syurga betul si Adrian ni. Kemudian Pn. Maria tersenyum sinis lalu mengeluarkan berberapa helai kertas

" Soo I have been looking at the cctv and I found this , you're spending your time at cafeteria. Busy finishing Sir Kai assignment , am I right Adrian ? " Adrian mula terkaku lalu menundukkan kepala

" I'm so sorry madam cause I lied to you but I have to finished it cause the due date is coming soon " kata Adrian yang masih tertunduk

" The due date for the assignment ? " Soal Pn. Maria

" Yes madam "

" Did you forget that I also give you some assignments to do and you didn't even did it. And the best part is the due date is yesterday " kata Pn. Maria membuatkan Adrian melopong. Aku hanya mampu mengeluh , nasib Erin tolong aku buat hari tu

" And about you , miss Hannah " Muka aku Pn. Maria menjeling tajam

" Yes madam ? "

" Well there's a week that you didn't even attend at my class cause you said you're having headache and your bodies arching all around , right ? " Soal Pn. Maria

" Yes that's true "

" Well I didn't receive any letter from any hospital or clinic nearby. So are you faking your sickness just because you wanted to have some rest while the others is worked hard for the exam ? " Aku terkaku.

" No madam it not like that. I was really sick at the time and I have no anergy to go to the hospital. You can ask-- "

" Stop makin excuse Hannah ! " Kata Pn. Maria tegas membuatkan aku sedikit terkejut.

Dada aku usap perlahan. Adrian yang dekat sebelah dah berkerut dahi , pelik dengan Pn. Maria

" Madam , she didn't making any excuse. It true that-- "

" Don't be too kind to back up her mistake Adrian. And Hannah , like I didn't know all my assignments that I gave to you. You asked your roommate to finished it. What a bad attitude ! You're bullied your roommate ? " sindir Pn. Maria yang membuatkan aku terasa.

Tapi masaalah nya Erin yang nak buat , plus aku kena tahan wad time tu.

" Madam you're too much. Just scolded her but don't criticism her. Where is your manners as lecturer ? She is preg-- "

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