~: Chapter Sixteen :~

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-Kirishima’s POV- 

After the wedding everything was practically chaos as Kat nearly dragged me out of the room. People kept throwing rice for some reason, which kinda hurt when it was thrown practically at me by Denki. We ended up walking to his mother’s office, alone for a bit. Eventually his mother came in with the priest that had married us. He filled out a bit of paperwork before handing it to Mistuki.

“Alright boys, once you sign this you are legally married to each other. No going back once it’s done.” she said, setting in on the desk in front of us. 

Kat had a deeper pink on his cheeks as he leaned down and signed his name. He held the pin out to me and I grabbed it, staring for a second. I never told anyone before but I couldn’t write, not in their language anyways. I already knew a few of the runes for dragon language, but theirs was completely foriegn to me. I could tell Kat was getting more nervous the longer I stood there staring at the pen. 

“I- I don’t know how to write in your language.” I said softly, seeing everyones face with a shocked expression. 

“Would any language work on the certificate?” Mitsuki asked the priest quietly.

“I suppose, it’s just a little peculiar. He can sign it in his language if he wants to. I’ll make note of it so that there aren't any problems in the future.” he said, making me sigh with relief.

I carefully drew the few runes that spelled out my name, having been memorized. When I stood back up the priest looked it over before putting a seal at the bottom right of the page. After the seal was placed I could see Kat relax, holding my hand as the piece of parchment was filed away. I gripped his hand, glad that we could make it over that slight obstacle. 

“Shall we head to the reception then?” Mitsuki asked, straightening Kats jacket a bit.

“Sure, you old hag.” he said, not yelling or any mean intent behind it.

“Stubborn as always, my little angel.” she said, pinching his cheeks. 

I watched him pull her hands off his cheeks, now bright red where she had pinched him. He then did something that shocked both his mother and I, he hugged her. We all stood there for a second before he backed away and grabbed my hand, dragging me out of the room. We walked down the halls for a bit before making it to the ballroom. Shinsou had explained to me that the reception would be held there, being the only indoor space large enough to hold all of the guests. 

When the doors opened everyone was clapping and cheering, even the staff were happy for us. I stood there for a bit until I heard Kat chuckle. I looked over to find him staring at me, amusement dancing in his eyes. I smiled at him and nearly melted when he smiled ever so slightly back. Before I knew what I was doing I leaned down and kissed him again, holding him close to me as I did so. The cheering only got louder and a few people even whistled, getting flipped off by Kat causing them to laugh a bit. 

When I backed off I could see him panting, a smirk on his face as he licked his lips. I chuckled and we made our way down to greet everyone that came. It was a long process that I knew Kat wouldn’t like too much. Eventually we got to do our first dance together, Kat being flawless as always. Not that I was too bad, Momo, one of the castle residents, had been giving me dancing lessons in the time leading up to the actual wedding.

-Time Skip: In Their Room- 

When we finally made it to our room, we locked the door. Uraraka had gotten a small bit of blood from both of us near the end of the reception, leaving to get started on the thing we all agreed on. I held up Kat’s hand, the small cut on his finger slightly red and angry. He was watching me as I licked over it, tasting the coppery liquid in my mouth. I had nearly forgotten the taste of blood in my time here with him since the incident.

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