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"You guys didn't have to drive me to the airport," I said, grunting as I pulled my heavy duffel bag out of the back of Fred's truck.

"It's like I'm sending my son away. Of course we had to drive you."

I smiled over at Fred, looking at Henry and Josie. "I'm gonna miss you guys."

"We're gonna miss you, too," Josie sweetly said, a sad smile on her face.

"Hey, just think about it, kid," I said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, "I'll be back in no time."

"You say that every time," she said, looking up at me, "and we don't see you for a year."

I rubbed her arm, looking over at Lex. She smiled a soft smile and nodded towards the airport. "Let's get you inside. Fred, why did we choose Chicago over a tropical destination?"

"I wonder every day," Fred said, "come on, champ."

The five of us walked inside the airport, and I felt this feeling of emptiness.

I was, generally, a lonely guy. I didn't really spend time with family, I didn't even go out and live the crazy life everyone assumed I lived. My life consisted of work and going back to my apartment to sleep.

It felt nice — coming home to a family every day. Spending time with people I loved.

I cleared my throat, stopping in my tracks. "Not that she even wanted to hear it from me, but I didn't get to say goodbye to Cecilia. Or Lily."

Josie looked up at me, biting down on her lip.

"Tell them I said bye, okay?" I said, nodding.

Henry nodded, patting my back. "Yeah, man."

"And I promise you guys," I said, toggling my gaze between the twins, "I'm not gonna be gone for another year. Swear."

"Pinkie," Josie said, holding out her hand.

I smiled and hooked my pinkie around hers, pulling her into me for a hug. "Stop growing up."

"You first," she said.

I pulled away from her and wrapped an arm around Henry's shoulders, patting his back. "You be good, okay? Keep on keeping Hero in line. Make sure he cuts down on the broken bones this year."

Henry smiled. "Got it, boss."

I wrapped my arms around Lex's neck, rubbing her back. "Take it easy on Fred, okay?"

She nodded, gently rubbing my shoulders. "We'll miss you and your chaos."

I smiled, walking over to Fred. "Love you, man. Thank you for the place to stay."

"Anytime," he said, "you're welcome back whenever. Show up at the door at two A.M., if you want."

"Don't tempt him," Lex said, shooting me a smile as I pulled away from Fred.


I turned around when I heard my name being called, searching around for a familiar face, but not seeing anyone.

"I'm sure someone's looking for some other Milo," I chuckled out, earning a smile from Josie.

"No," she said, shaking her head, "she's looking for you."

I knitted my eyebrows together and turned back around, seeing Cecilia running through the crowd of people.

"How'd I know you'd do something like this?" Henry asked.

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