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"Henry," Cordelia giggled, pulling me closer to her, "stop it. You're making a scene."

I looked down at her, grinning. "Am I?"

"Yes," she muttered, her hand sliding down my abdomen as she looked away from me.

"Henny, hey," Hero said, jogging towards me with a smile.

"Hey," I greeted, smiling over at him.

"Hi, Hero," Cordelia greeted, wrapping her arms around me.

"Hey," he said, his eyes meeting mine for a split second.

Hero was most definitely the player, but he had a soft spot for a relationship like mine and Cordelia's. I knew it.

"Okay, I've got to run," Cordelia said, resting her chin against my chest.

I nodded, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you. See you tonight," she said, smiling. She waved at me and ran off, making Hero gag.

"You're just jealous," I said, opening my locker.

"Not quite," he said, "although it's cute, I'll give it to you."

"So, who's coming over tonight?" I teased, looking over at him.

"Very funny," he said.

"Cordelia and I have a date tonight," I said, biting down on my lip with a smile.

"Acting like you're finally gonna get something," Hero chuckled, shaking his head.


"E, chill," I pleaded, looking back at Eros.

Josie, Hero, and I had known Eros ever since we'd been six. Needless to say, we were all stuck like glue.

"Where's my Josie?" He asked, pouting out his bottom lip.

"Cheer," I said, "she has not shut up about being captain."

"That's a big thing, you asshole," Eros said.

"Are you guys going to the party on Friday?" Hero asked.

"Depends on what Cordelia's doing," I said, looking down at my Apple Watch.

"Simp," Eros muttered, earning a chuckle from Hero.

"It's called having respect for my girlfriend, but okay," I said.

Hero's eyebrows went into a deep furrow. "So you can't go to a party if you have respect for your girl?"

"I'd rather not."

Eros patted my back. "I think it's a real, stand-up move of you, brother."

"Thank you," I said, looking over at him.

"But I'm never getting into a relationship," he chuckled, making him and Hero do their handshake they'd been doing since they met.

"E, hey," Josie sighed, making Eros open his arms.

She collapsed into him, shaking her head. "I'm so fucking done with calculus."

"I know," he said, rubbing her back.

Francesca followed after her, shooting me a smile. "Hey."

"Hey, Frannie," Hero greeted, smiling.

"Hero, stop. You know I hate that nickname," she softly said, hugging her books close to her chest.

"Dude, for real," I said, looking over at him, "she's been asking you to stop for fifteen fucking years now."

The Kings IV IIWhere stories live. Discover now