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twelve years later


"Dad, I'm home."

I walked out of my office, shooting Josie a smile. "Hey. How was your day?"

"Don't ask."

"Just did."

"Mrs. Ramirez gave me a C on my Spanish quiz," she said, knitting her brows together.

"Hacerlo mejor," I said, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I'm doing the best I can, Dad," she said, "she just hates me."

"Estas segura?" I asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Yes, I'm sure," she deadpanned.

"Where's Henry?" I asked.

"He dropped Cordelia off. Should be here any minute."

"What time is cheer practice?" I asked, "don't tell me, five?"

She smiled, holding up her hand for a high-five. I chuckled and gave her a high-five, opening the fridge.

"Is Mom home?" She asked, spinning around in her stool.

"Uh, no," I said, "she's with a client."

"Did you go to work today?"

"For a few hours this morning, yeah."

The door opened and Henry walked in, shooting me a smile. "Hey."

"Hey, how was your day?"

"Good," he answered, a smile on his face, "yours?"

"Good," I said.

He walked into the kitchen, looking over at Josie. "How'd you beat me home?"

"I don't have a significant other to drop off at home."

Henry shrugged. "Sorry about that."

"You got mail," I said, sliding an envelope across the counter to him.

"Wow, another college begging to give you a full ride?" Josie gasped, "fuck off."

"Well, when you're good at something-"

"Hey," I said, holding out my arms before Josie could launch at him.

"She's getting a full ride for academics," I said, "my little scholar."

"Yeah, suck on that," she said.

"Wasn't it you that made a C on a Spanish quiz?" Henry asked, bracing his elbows on the counter.

"Dad," Josie warned, pointing at him, "get him before I do."

"I was really just making sure I didn't have you confused with someone else," he said, shrugging.

"Henry, that's enough," I said, chuckling as I shuffled through the other mail.

"Wasn't you that completely butchered that field goal the other night?"

"You know I've been beating myself up about that-"

"What am I walking into? And do I need to walk back out?"

The kids turned around to face Alexis standing in the doorway.

"Hey, Mom," Henry greeted, smiling.

"Hi, my love."

Josie looked at her, lifting an eyebrow.

"Hi, my love," she greeted, again, placing her purse on the counter.

The Kings IV IIWhere stories live. Discover now