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"Family reunion time," Josie excitedly sang, adjusting Eros's shirt for him, "and Aunt Arabella's coming, I literally can't wait."

"And I'm meeting your grandfather for the first time."

"No worries, Abuelo is a cool guy," she said, smiling up at him.

I bit down on my lip, tapping my foot rapidly. Zach was late, and I was really wanting him to be here when Abuelo and Abuela got here.

"Hey, maybe this time, I won't collapse and nearly die," Hero joked, clasping his watch on his wrist as he shrugged.

Mom smiled and wrapped an arm around his neck. "Let's hope not."

"Hey, Aunt Lex, congrats on the engagement," he said, "again. Are you planning your own wedding?"

"Actually, no," Mom said, drying her hands off on the nearest towel, "I'm letting someone else take the reigns."

Hero snorted, lifting an eyebrow.

"What's that for?" Mom scoffed.

"Aunt Lex, I love you," he said, "but you letting someone else be in charge of something so huge? Yeah. No."

"Haha," she said, rolling her eyes, "I've learned to let others lead."

Fran and Brian walked in the kitchen, making Brian let out a heavy sigh. "That smells so good, Mrs. King."

"Charlie, I'm not kidding," Thomas said, "please give me my phone back."

"Hey, Charlie and Thomas, you're at a nine, I need you at, like, a three," Uncle Jo said.

"Yes, sir," Charlie said, holding Thomas's phone out to him.

I smiled down at the pair. They were cute, and from what I'd heard, this was a big change for them. Someone actually caring.

"Hey, Charlie, come here," Hero said, picking him up, "smell this. Doesn't it smell great?"

"Aww, look at my boy, already practicing being a daddy," Eros said, cocking his head over.

Hero lifted his eyebrows for a split second and placed Charlie on the counter, making Uncle Jo clear his throat.

"Rule number one, you don't leave a child sitting on the counter."

"He's, like, grown," Hero said, looking over at him.

"He's, like, seven," Uncle Jo deadpanned.

Hero grabbed Charlie and placed him on the ground, and I turned to face the door when it opened.

"Hey, there you are," I said, smiling as soon as Zach walked in.

"Hey," he greeted, closing the door behind him, "sorry, I'm a bit late. Mom insisted I bring a pie."

I pressed a kiss to his lips, leading him into the kitchen.

"Oh, Zach!" Mom said, "hi."

"Hi, Mrs. Lex," he greeted, "a pie, courtesy of my mother."

"Oh, how sweet. Good in-laws," Mom said, shooting me a grin.

"Mom," I said, tilting my head over.

Zach chuckled, looking over at Uncle Jo. "Hey, Mr. Fred."

"I'm Mr. Jo, but hi," he greeted, smiling.

"R-right, I'm sorry."

"Hey, my boy Zach," Dad greeted, smiling a broad smile, "what's up?"

"Nothing much, just getting you and your twin confused."

The Kings IV IIWhere stories live. Discover now