⊱ 1- The Meeting of your Lovely Partner ⊰

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Buzz Buzz

You wake to your phone ringing. You fumble around your nightstand as you grab your phone.

"Hello?" you ask in your groggy morning voice.

"Goodmorning Y/N! It's me, Abby. I was wondering what time you were going to come by?"

"Oh-uh," You glance at the time and see it's about 10:30. " I can come by at 11:30 if that's alright with you." You answer.

"Oh, that's perfect! See you then!" She answers and ends the call.

"Ughhh." You groan as you slowly get out of the comfortable bed. You find some random clothes out of your bag. They happened to be a pair of black jeans and a red long sleeve V-neck. You throw them on and brush your teeth. You do everything else you need to do and you grab your keys and bag. You start to head out, but then you noticed something. The picture of your family had turned outward when you specifically remembered you had it turned inwards.

Did I do this when I was looking for my phone? Probably.

You shrug it off because it was probably nothing. You head to the door while making sure everything is in place. You head down to the exit and try to hail a taxi.

Eventually, after a little struggle, you hailed a taxi. You told the person you wanted to go to the Myers Press building. The taxi takes a stop at the front of the building you pay the person and thank them. You get out of the taxi and-


The building is much larger than you thought. You mentally scale the building and see it has at least 12 large stories.

Abby texted and said to meet her on the 10th floor.

You walk towards the entrance of the large building and walk-in. You head to the front desk and ask for some direction.

Behind the desk is a petite man with dark short hair and dark brown eyes wearing a fancy-looking suit. "Hello, how may I help you today?" he asks politely.

"Hi, I was wondering where the elevator is?" you ask confused.

"Oh yes, there is a hall over there," he points to the right of the desk, "Just go down there, and towards the end are a few elevators."

"Alright thank you!" you answer.

You walk towards where he told you, you see a reasonably tall man wearing a long coat and dark spikey hair rush towards the elevator. You catch another glimpse of him before the doors to the elevator shut.

"Hey wait-" You yell but it's too late the doors have already shut.

"Dammit," you say impatiently. You press the up button and wait for the next one to come. The elevator to the left of you signals its next to come. You wait for the doors to open, once they do you step inside and press the number 10. The doors shut and you immediately feel the pull of the elevator go up. The elevator dings when it passes each floor. 


The man who ran past you intrigued you, it was a dick move for him to rush past you like that though but you pushed past that.


You had no idea why you were but he spiked your interest.


I wonder why he was rushing.


The thought stayed in your mind while in the elevator until you reached the 10th floor. You walk in to see multiple small areas all slightly different for each person that was found inside of them. One desk had a stout woman who had curly white hair who had plenty of plants in her area. Next was a big-boned man in plaid who had mountains of dog things, dog pictures, bowls, toys, and even a small dog on a bed beside his chair. You were stunned at all of the diversity and different ideas this place had. 

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