⊱ 4- Apartment Time~ ⊰

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Days had passed since your autopsy adventure with Jed, and nothing much was going on. You had been staying at Bates motel with no complaints, and everything was going quite nicely for you. The few problems that you were having were your lack of clothes and depleting money. Your mother had been right to say bring more clothes than you think you'll need. You hadn't taken her advice and now we're down to only a few clean garments. For the past two days, you had been going out in the same sweatpants, and sadly Jed had noticed. Yesterday Jed had tried talking to you.

"Weren't you wearing those same sweatpants yesterday?" Jed asks looking at your outfit with a confused look, you were wearing a plain black long sleeve and a pair of light purple sweatpants, and yes, you had been wearing these for two days straight since they were one of the last pairs of pants you had.

"So?" you play it off as if it were nothing because ignoring the problem was the best way to solve it. You needed to find an apartment, that was the root of your problem. If you get an apartment then some of your problems could be solved. Once you found an apartment, you could have the rest of your things shipped in and could finally have the rest of your clothes.

"What's up?" Jed asks patting the chair next to him signaling for you to sit next to him. You let out an annoyed groan and sit.

"I don't have very many clean clothes left, and I don't have a place to wash the clothes here so I need to get an apartment soon so I can have the rest of my things shipped, also the money I have saved is depleting from having to pay for a motel room every night," you say, this problem did sound kind of dumb now that you had said it out loud but it was a problem you had, the clothes weren't the main problem it was the money that was the problem. 

"Oh I can fix your clothing situation, my apartment building has washing machines and I can have you come to do your laundry if you need to, but I can't help you with the money thing," He says trying his best to help. You thought it was sweet of him to suggest this but you couldn't take the offer. Jed had already helped you enough considering you've known him for a little under a week. "But for the apartment thing, I think I could help you look for one." 

"I'm not going to have you invite me over just to have me do my laundry Jed, but you could help me find an apartment," You say with a smile. Jed pulled his chair up to his desk and immediately started looking at places for you.

So now Jed was helping you find an apartment. You flop onto your motel bed and let out a sigh remembering the chat, you thought Jed was doing too much for you and you wanted to repay the favor somehow. You had no idea how to do this though. 

Suddenly you were snapped out of your trance to hear your phone buzzing, you pick it up to see Jed was calling you. Jed and you had exchanged numbers a few days ago so you could keep each other updated with anything at any time. You pick up the phone and press the answer button.

"Hello?" You ask, it was kind of late, 11:30 at night so you were surprised Jed had called you this late. 

"Hey Sweetheart, I'm surprised you answered, I thought you would have been asleep by now," Jed says through the line. 

"That's funny that you think I sleep, but what's up?" you ask with a sleepy chuckle. 

"Well, I think I found you an apartment," He says triumphantly, you sit up with a smile. 

"Wait really?" You ask excitedly, you were ready to leave Bates Motel and find your place, even though you loved talking with Norman, you talked almost every day now apparently he knows how to croche and has even offered to teach you some time which you gladly said yes too. 

"Yup, two-bedroom, two-bathroom, kitchen, good square-footage and wooden floors in it and it's in your price range," He said with excitement on the other line, "Oh, and it even has a little balcony!" You let out an excited sequel and hear Jed's deep laughs on the other line making you smile.

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