⊱ 3- Lunch, Ice cream, and an Autopsy ⊰

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You listen to the clicks of computer keys as you look out the grand window near your desk, your finger fidgeting with a piece of notepaper as you wait for Jed to return with the go for going to the morgue. You honestly didn't want to see the poor woman's body again, but you had to go, to get the proper report on the damage Ghostface had done. 

You look down to your hands and unfold the paper once more, you had been doing this repeatedly seeing if the paper held any clue to knowing, or finding the Ghostface. You look at the small doodle once more trying to decipher the drawing, you look at the words to see the chicken scratch written boldly inside a bubble. It was written in thick black letters, but the doodle was in thinner black pen ink.  

The workroom is quite quiet besides the clacking of keyboards, there weren't many people in your office space just a few people working on different reports. You enjoyed the quietness for a little before you get bored of waiting on Jed. You grab your earbuds out of your backpack and place them in your ears, you grab your phone to find your favorite playlist, one of your favorite songs comes on and you start humming along to the music. You pull your legs into yourself sitting criss-cross apple sauce, you lean your head back into your chair and shut your eyes, leaving the real world behind and just enjoying the music. 


Jed walks towards the front counter of the small cafe inside Myers Press building, he begins to talk to the towering dark curly-haired barista behind the counter, he has on a light brown turtle neck sweater, blue jeans, the red barista apron. His facial features, emerald green large eyes, bushy but kept dark eyebrows, a long pointed nose, small lips, a boxy jawline, and a burn across the left side of his face.

Jed looks down to the name tag on the man's chest, 'Brahms' it read, "H-Hello sir, h-how can I help you?" the man asks in a surprisingly high-pitched voice with a slight British accent. 

"Hi! I'm Jed, you must be new here, I've never seen you around here before. But could I have two coffees, black please," Jed asks excitedly eyeing the tall man. Brahms flashes Jed a nervous but genuine smile before going to the coffee pot and pouring the dark drink into to-go coffee cups. 

"So how long have you been working here?" Jed asks putting a hand on his hip while waiting for his drink. 

"W-Well, today is my first day actually," Brahms answers placing the lids on the cups cautiously making sure not to spill any of the burning liquid on himself. He brings the cups over to the counter to Jed, "T-That'll be five dollars and fifty-two cents," Brahms spoke looking to the electronic register. Jed hands Brahms a ten-dollar bill, Brahms hands him back his change and Jed places the remaining money in the tip jar. "Have a good day sir!" Brahms said before Jed took the cups in the holder Brahms had provided him. 

"Same to you Brahms! I hope to see you again soon, also please call me Jed!" Jed laughed as he walked towards the elevator, "Can do Mr. Jed!" Brahms giggled like a child. Jed smiled while pressing the up button.

'What a sweet guy!' Jed said to himself while walking into the open elevator. The reason he was downstairs was to talk to Abby who worked on the 7th floor to see if he and Y/N could go to the morgue to see the woman's report. 

'The woman had he throat slit and was stabbed 9 times in her gut.' Jed already knew this but the report wasn't out yet so how could he know this? Well, he was the one to do those things to her so how wouldn't he know? 

He smiles at the memory even though he only just killed her last night. She was very easy for him to kill, all he had to do was come up behind her, cover her mouth so no screams would come out, and quickly slice her neck. He took his hand from her mouth and turned her around so she could see her tormentor before her lights went out, she had a small amount of time to see the Father Death mask before he started to stab her, he stabbed her 9 times, mostly due to bloodlust at the time. He liked watching the blood drip from her lips from the stomach wounds, he looked into her dark blue eyes as the shine went away and turned dull. He pulled out his camera to take photos of his kill. She was lying face down on the concrete, he lifted her head by her hairline and put the camera in front of her face. He smiled under his mask even though you couldn't see it, it was there. He dropped her head to take a closer look at the photo before standing up and cleaning his hunting knife from her blood.  He quickly walked away from her body before pulling out his phone and sending you the photo. He planned on playing with you before putting you out of your misery, but not until after a decent amount of torment.

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