⊱ 6- Park Picnic ⊰

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Light seeped through the dark blackout curtains in the room as you slowly peel open your eyes. You lift your head, only to be blinded by the light, and quickly shut your eyes again, and slam your head back onto your pillow. The events of last night playback in your head on repeat, after D had gotten the first aid kit, he patched you up with a large square patch on your left arm. He then said he would 'pop by'  whenever he pleased and he wanted you to feed him when he wanted. You were quite pissed with how cocky and persistent he was, but you didn't want to be cut up anymore so you didn't argue. He put his number into your phone so you could communicate but it was for emergencies only, or for when he wanted something. He said he would mostly write you notes and you weren't mad about that, you liked notes more than texting even if they took longer to communicate through. D had left your apartment after patching you up and explaining how your partnership would work with him. 

You took a deep breath, you really wanted to stay in bed all day but you had plans to meet up with Norman for a picnic in the park. His mother allowed him to see you since you lightened his mood, even though she disliked the thought of Norman having other people in his life. You gain the courage to get up. Slowly but surely you work your way out of the comfortable sheets and go to the bathroom. You take your green toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it, you start to brush your teeth.

Several thoughts swirled through your head, the biggest one being why had Ghostface chosen you? He had explained his reasons but you didn't believe that you had the best articles on Ghostface, they did have a high viewer count and response but you knew there were better writers out there.  

Still, in your pajamas you walk into your main room, you spot a small yellow note next to something in a plastic bag. Your eyes squint to see more but you just couldn't see very far. You walk over to the countertop and look at the things set onto it.

'Here's some stuff you can put into your articles and I'll be here at 10:30 am for some food, see ya Doll'

After reading the note and letting out an annoyed sigh you grab the bag and see an old flash drive inside of it. You quickly jog to get your laptop from your room. After getting it you sit at the counter and flip it open, quickly typing in the password and putting the flash drive into the computer. A set of images pop open, there were 5 images, all of them of a young writer. You recognized them, they worked in your building, in your department, and they even wrote about the same topic as you. Their name was Parker, they had short dark hair, dark chocolate eyes, and a short build. You open the images larger to see the gruesome depictions, they had been carved. The corners of their lips had been split open farther to look like they had a large clown smile across their face, jagged patterns were all along their skin accented in crimson, but the main wounds were the large slits across their wrists and neck. A hand goes up to your lips as you put your thumbnail between the bottom and top rows of your teeth as you mindlessly work away at the nail.

You were more used to seeing people disfigured now but you couldn't help but feel remorse for them. You could have worked with them and become friends with them but now their life had been taken from them. You click through the photos, two of them were just photos of their mangled body, one of them had Ghostface posing in front of them with a 'call-me' sign, but the last two photos were something you hadn't seen before, they were photos of a detailed and messy journal, with polaroids of Parker doing everyday things, it was Parker's daily schedule. Notes were written messily next to each one of the photos, the notes had multiple spelling errors and overuse of semicolons. You could most definitely use these photos, the photos of the journal were never posted so this would bring more attention to your articles.

You look at the time and see that it's already 10:15.

D would be here in fifteen minutes looking for food.

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