⊱ 2- The Chat ⊰

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Two black combat boots trudge through an alleyway headed somewhere very specific. Silver Shamrock Motel the neon green sign reads. The man approaches the building and heads straight for the side rather than the entrance. 

'Why the fuck couldn't she have a room on the first floor?' he grumbles to himself. He wasn't going to kill her, not tonight at least, just scare her a bit and maybe find a worker or someone to kill. He wanted to scare her enough that she confides in someone about the encounter. He was going to tell her if she told anyone he would kill her. There was no doubt in his mind she was going to tell someone about what is going to happen tonight.


You stand up from your comfortable bed to quickly brush your teeth, before you get the chance to walk to the bathroom your phone starts to ring. You lift your phone to see the caller has no caller ID, but your curiosity gets to you so you answer the phone.

"Hello?" you answer holding the phone to your ear.

"Hello." the person answers in a deep smooth voice.

"Can I help you?" you ask confused. 

"I'm not sure can you?" The voice asks.

"You tell me," you reply slowly sitting back down on your bed. Your gut is telling you to hang up and hide under your bed, but you ignore the feeling and continue with the call.

The person on the other line was surprised you hadn't hung up on them yet this makes them smile.

"Well, you could let me talk to you." The voice says.

"Then talk to me." You say smiling, you had some idea what was happening here so you were playing along with it.

"What's your favorite scary movie?"The voice asks patiently waiting for your answer. 

"Well, I'd have to say Halloween." You reply honestly. Micheal Myers had to be one of your favorite slashers, but it was your favorite simply because Micheal never dies, even after 6 shots to the chest. "What's yours?" you ask.

"Hmm, probably Stab," they reply.

"You call that a scary movie?" you ask the voice, to you Stab was just a movie about two poser Ghostfaces that didn't even compare to the original. "Stab is a decent movie but it's not scary, It may be based on real events but the two people it was based on are just posers and nothing compared to the real Ghostface," you state proudly standing up for your opinion. The voice chuckles at your response.

"You think that?"They ask.

"Well of course I do! They did do some pretty gruesome things but still nothing compared to the real Ghostface, and they needed two people to do it, the real Ghostface is alone and works by themselves and only themselves." During your argument, you had sat up, the topic really interested you considering your work now is about the Ghostface you had to stand up for it.

"You must know a lot about the guy if you had already thought of these points." The voice states amused with your arguments on why Stab wasn't the best scary movie.

"I suppose you could say I'm more interested in the guy than your average joe." You say before laying on your stomach kicking your feet up.

"You must really like me then Doll~" the voice who you now know as The Ghostface says with toxicity to it. 

Your stomach immediately drops, you quickly glance around your hotel room in search of anything. You sit up due to your fear so you could quickly run if something happened.

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